HOW Design Live Early Bird
HOW Design Live 2015 Keynote Speakers
HOW Design Live 2015, Chicago design events

With more than a quarter century of professional writing and publishing experience, Tom N. Tumbusch writes copy that creates action for creative professionals and green businesses. He's done freelance and ghost-writing work for companies of every size, including Interbrand, Landor Associates, Lucasfilm Limited, Procter & Gamble, and others. Tom publishes a free writing tips newsletter each month and periodically shares more casual wisdom on the WordStream of Consciousness blog. His tiny solar-powered corner of the Internet can be found at:


Marketing your Freelance Business: What Works, and How to Stick to it

Tuesday, May 5 • 3:00 – 3:45pm

Veteran freelancers Laura Foley and Tom Tumbusch reveal the self-promotion techniques that have dramatically changed their careers, and how they stay accountable for getting those jobs done. You'll discover what makes the difference between pounding pavement looking for gigs and being a "client magnet" who attracts awesome work—all on a shoestring budget!

3 Main Take-Aways:
  1. Schedule time for marketing, and treat it with the same respect as any client’s time.
  2. Using "Accountability Buddy" relationships is a great way to stay on track.
  3. You can't start frantically marketing when the work dries up. Some marketing methods take months or even years to bear fruit.