Susie Stitzel is solution manager for packaging lifecycle management for Esko, a European-based company producing prepress hardware and software for the printing and packaging industry. She is consults with brand owners and design agencies on strategic, marketing-savvy packaging solutions. Susie is passionate about packaging — to the point that her family will no longer shop with her. She has assisted design educators with their packaging curriculum and enjoys serving on the advisory board for the School of Packaging at Michigan State University. Susie is a frequent speaker at major industry events for the Paperboard Packaging Council, Flexographic Technical Association, Sustainable Packaging Coalition, Brand Protection Conference and the Packaging Design and Development Forum.
Right Brain, Left Brain: Unleashing Creativity in the Technical World of Packaging
Tuesday, May 5 • 3:00 – 3:45pm
Designing innovative packaging requires creativity but also a command of the critical technical aspects of packaging. Your Right Brain wants to express emotion, use images and color for maximum impact, leverage intuition and be its most creative self. But your logical Left Brain knows that the required technical elements in packaging must be carefully managed to be successful. From a wide variety of substrates to regulatory and commercial content to the mental gymnastics to translate between a 2D artboard to a 3D shape, managing these technical details can get in the way of great design thinking. And all the creative design thinking in the world won’t matter if the packaging doesn’t perform in the supply chain and in the place where it really matters: the store shelf. Join us in this session to learn how new software technologies can manage those pesky technical packaging details for you. Get rid of the grunt work and unleash your creativity to do what you do best: create amazing packaging that attracts the consumer and drives sales.
3 Main Takeaways:
- Learn about simple plugins that help you control regulatory and commercial content
- Leverage software tools so you not only think in 3D but design that way too
- Discover how virtual prototyping can help you make important decisions early in the design process