Jason Pamental (@jpamental) is Lead UX Strategist at Fresh Tilled Soil (freshtilledsoil.com), author of ‘Responsive Typography’ (bit.ly/rwtbook) from O’Reilly, overall web & typography nerd who specializes in being a generalist. When not helping clients with their experience strategy or speaking about design, process and typography at conferences around the world, he’s usually following @aProperCollie around Turner Reservoir, posting photos on Instagram(instagram.com/jpamental).
Designing the Experience Continuum: Typography in the Age of the Connected Everything
Thursday, May 7 • 4:15 – 5:00pm
With the explosion of
small-form-factor, low-cost connected devices like fitness trackers, medical
devices and ‘smart dashboards’, the spectrum across which we communicate has
gotten broader than ever. When thinking about using a wearable fitness tracker
with a small screen, how it connects from a design perspective to the
‘connected app’, to the desktop health tracker portal and even to TV/print
advertising for that product—there are very few elements that translate across
all those screens and devices to tie the experience together.
The type we use plays an increasingly important role in
conveying critical information in a consistent and ‘glance-able’ way, and in
getting across brand voice and creating emotional connection between user and
device and organization. This talk will explore how new developments in
technology and cognitive science extend the reach of our design landscape from
the smallest to the biggest of screens.