Texas-native Chris Brown built his narrative from the ground up. Creating countless homemade zines both inspired by and rebelling against the glossy magazines of his childhood, Brown was enamored by the freewheeling ethos of the 1960s and 70s. Paving his own way as a self-taught graphic designer, his journey as a designer, curator, and artist reflected elements of a proud, singularly American tradition - and one that deserved documentation. In 2008, he created Refueled Magazine, a testament to the legacy of American craftsmanship, ingenuity, and bravado.
Print, Design, Curation
Thursday, May 7 • 1:45pm – 2:30pm
With all the ways to share your passions—from posting to pinning—why go with paper and ink? Because it’s tangible, sellable, and stands apart from the rest. Join a panel of industry luminaries who are using Adobe InDesign and Blurb to create publications that showcase creative work, connect with readers, and extend their brands through print-on-demand publications. Panelists include: Chris Brown, publisher of Refueled Magazine, Jessica Helfand of Design Observer, and Chris Harrold, Creative Director at Mohawk and publisher of the Strathmore Archive catalogue. Moderated by Kent Hall, Blurb Brand Ambassador.