SGC International hosts a rich variety of programs to interest our
conference attendees. SGCI members have the opportunity to apply to each year’s
Conference Steering Committee, submitting their proposals for programming that
aligns with the overall theme of that conference. Catering to each year’s
particular theme, locale, facilities and in keeping with SGCI’s mission to
foster diversity in all levels, a selection of programs (as varied and timely
as possible) is arrived at by committee.
Panels are theater-style discussions moderated by a Panel Chair, and consist typically of 4-5 individuals who present their distinct viewpoint and experience on a specific subject. Panel discussions last an hour and are followed by a half hour of Q & A.
Demos are artist-lead, live showcases of printmaking or print-related processes, techniques and/or tips performed in real time.
INKubators are inspired by the original founders of SGCI, who sat together in conversation of a famous bottle of Jack Daniels to discuss the state of printmaking in the South. Currently, INKubators are informal, topic-specific conversations open to everyone who is interested in participating. INKubators are conducted as ‘round table’ - minus the table - discussions. Sessions are one hour in duration and are directed by the SGCI Member who submitted the proposal.
Themed Portfolios are conference-theme inspired print exhibits organized by and for SGCI members. They display a wide range and scope of work from SGCI’s ever-growing membership.