Healthy Heart Challenge
 Home > Goals > Be active everyday
You must select two or more choices to undertake the ‘Be active every day’ goal
  • Walk briskly for at least 30 minutes on most, if not all, days of the week (you can do 3 x 10 minute walks, if it’s easier)
        • Join a Heart Foundation Heartmoves class - a gentle physical activity program suitable for anyone who hasn’t done exercise in a while
            • Work out at your gym three times a week
                • Do an organised class such as yoga, pilates, dance or Zumba class at least once a week
                    • Commit to taking the stairs rather than the escalators when shopping, going to the movies or catching a train
                        • Be more active in the workplace – walk to the printer, stand up rather than sit when answering the phone, and aim for one ‘walking’ meeting a week, e.g. a meeting with a staff member
                            • Work up to swimming 1km at your local pool, beach or river at least twice a week
                                • Leave the car at home one day a week and walk or catch public transport instead
                                    • Get off the bus, train or tram one or two stops earlier and walk the extra distance
                                        • Cycle along your favourite bike path twice a week
                                            • Join your work colleagues for a lunchtime walk, swim or ball game once a week
                                                • Train for a significant event, such as a half marathon, triathlon or fun run (and complete during the Challenge time frame if dates permit)
                                                    • Another activity of your choosing            
                                                        Curves - The Curves 30 minute workout offers a complete fitness solution for busy women. Combining Strength Training, Cardio and Stretching, the Curves workout can burn up to 500 calories a workout. It is the ideal workout for time-poor busy women.