| | | | 9:00 -9:30 | Registration & Coffee | 09:30 - 09:45 | Modern Management Methods David J. Anderson, CEO , David Anderson & Associates | 09:50 - 10:00 | Welcome by program chair Maarten Hoppen, Agile Coach & Scrum and Kanban Trainer, VX Company | 09:55 - 10:45 | Complexity: The new paradigm in decision making Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientific Officer , Cognitive Edge Pte Ltd | 10:45 - 11:15 | Coffee break |  | WATER | LUCHT | ZAND | 11:15 - 12:00 | The red brick cancer Håkan Forss, Lean/Agile Coach, Avega Group | Systemic Thinking for Sustainable Development Marc Evers, consultant, QWAN - Quality Without a Name Willem van den Ende, developer / trainer / consutlant, QWAN - Quality Without a Name | Unity of Purpose and Community of Trust: Preconditions for the Hyper-Productive Organization Steve Tendon, The Organizational Hyper-Productivity Expert, tendon.net | 12:05 - 12:50 | Kanban. Dealing with the elephant in the room, one chunk at a time. Jasper Sonnevelt, Agile coach, VXCompany | The First Rule of Kanban Torbjörn Gyllebring, Development Manager, Cint | People as Bottlenecks Gaetano Mazzanti, Senior Agile Coach, Agile42 | 12:50 - 13:50 | Lunch at information market | 13:50 - 14:35 | Shooting Crooked Arrows at a Moving Target in the Fog Don Reinertsen, President, Reinertsen & Associates | 14:40 - 15:25 | Cycle Time Analytics - Fast #NoEstimate Forecasting & Decision Making Troy Magennis, CEO, Focused Objective LLC | A3 Problem Solving workshop (part 1) Mattias Skarin, Lean & Kanban Coach, Crisp | I Broke the WIP Limit Twice, and I'm Still on the Team! Zsolt Fabok, coach, N/A | 15:25 - 15:55 | Coffee break | 15:55 - 16:40 | What is the value of Social Capital? Jabe Bloom, CTO, TLC | A3 Problem Solving Workshop (part 2) Mattias Skarin, Lean & Kanban Coach, Crisp | From #estwaste to #NoEstimates - a true story Henri Karhatsu, Entrepreneur, IT consultant, Karhatsu IT Consulting Oy | 16:40 - 17:30 | “Risk and Decision: The ‘When’ rather than the ‘How’ ” Olav Maassen, Consultant , Xebia | 17:30 - 18:00 | Drinks | 18:00 - 21:00 | Get together dinner € 75,- |
| | | | 9:00 - 9:30 | Registration & Coffee | 09:30 - 10.20 | Kanban and Evolutionary Management - Lessons we can Learn from Bruce Lee's Journey in Martial Arts David J. Anderson, CEO , David Anderson & Associates |  | WATER | LUCHT | ZAND | 10:20 - 12:20 | WorkshopThe Practical Science of Prioritization Don Reinertsen, President, Reinertsen & Associates | The Perfect Problem Breakthrough Jurgen de Smet, management, leadership and organizational improvement trainer, coach & facilitator Erik Talboom, Infinite gamer and agile enthousiast, Co-learning | | 12:20 - 13:20 | Lunch at information market | 13:20 - 14:05 | The Nature of Risk and Uncertainty Jabe Bloom, CTO, TLC | Case study - Bringing Visual Simplicity with Kanban Patrick Steyaert, Lean and Agile change coach LKU Accredited Kanban Trainer, Okaloa Chris van Loock, Quality Process Manager , Nemetschek Scia NV | Gamestorming your retrospectives Astrid Claessen, Jacqueline of all trades, Kuzidi | 14:10 - 14:55 | Scrum vs Kanban: False Choices & Unnecessary Hybrids Jon Terry, COO, LeanKit | Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts Ajay Reddy, Chief Process Improvement Officer, Code Genesys Dimitar Bakardzhiev, Managing Partner , Taller Technologies Bulgaria | The “Just Do It” approach to Change Management Wouter Lagerweij, Agile Coach, Qualogy Ciarán ÓNéill, Agile Coach, Qualogy | 14:55 - 15:25 | Coffee break | 15:25 - 16:10 | Flight Levels of Kanban Klaus Leopold, Accredited Kanban Trainier and Coach, Managing Partner, LEANability | Tele2: a case study Jeroen van Menen, Agile Coach, Prowareness Ron van Vliet, Project Manager, Tele2 | Models, Maps, Measures and Mystery Chris Young, Head of Engineering, Base79 | 16:15 - 16:45 | Make better decisions tomorrow! David J. Anderson, CEO , David Anderson & Associates | 16:45 - 17:15 | Drinks |