OpenVMS Boot Camp 2015
Sessions At A Glance
7:00 amRegistration and Breakfast
Ballroom Foyer
8:00 am - 11:30 amPre-Conference Seminar - Morning Session
Bedford Room
11:30 am - 12:30 pmPre-Conference Seminar - Lunch
Bedford Room
12:30 pm - 5:00 pmPre-Conference Seminar - Afternoon Session
Bedford Room
6:00 pmFirst Timers Meeting
Bedford Room

7:30 amRegistration and Breakfast
Ashwood Court
8:00 amVSI Company strategy and directions; HP-VSI partnership
Nashua South
10:00 amBreak
Ashwood Court
10:30 amSecurity & ComplianceOpen Source DevelopmentHardwareProgrammingSystem ManagementPerformance
ACME and LDAP authentication on OpenVMS
Dan Buckley, software consultant, HP
Current State of Open Source on OpenVMS Project
Bedford Room
Bill Pedersen, Consultant/OpenVMS Evangelist, CCSS, LLC
HP Integrity Superdome X
Chesterfield Room
Leo Demers, Mission Critical Product Manager, HP
Introduction to AST Programming
Hollis Room
Robert Gezelter, Principal, Robert Gezelter Software Consultant
OpenVMS Management – Do you have Peace of Mind?
Northwood Suite
Brad Mccusker, VP VMS System Services, Software Concepts International
The OpenVMS Performance show
Nashua South
Christain Moser, CTO, Maklee Engineering
Guy Peleg, President, Maklee Engineering
11:30 amHardwarePerformanceStorageOpen Source DevelopmentPerformance
Continuing with Alpha and OVMS
Joe Kilcullen, Data Center Remarketing Consultant, HP Enterprise
HP PERFDAT - an OpenVMS performance solution
Bedford Room
Wolfgang Burger, Technical Consultant, HP
Integrating HP StoreOnce Technology with OpenVMS
Chesterfield Room
Eamonn Fitzmaurice, Master Technologist, HP
Repopulating the OpenVMS Community
Hollis Room
Jeff Shelby, Director, Advanced Application Modernization
Dennis O'Brien, President, BRUDEN
Using BLOBs in ACMS applications – an Open Source-based approach for dealing with the 64K workspace limit
Northwood Suite
Brett Cameron, Senior Software Engineer, VMS Software
Performance Analysis and Resource Contention Detection Using the Availability Manager
Nashua South
Barry Kierstein, Software Engineer, VMS Software
12:30 pmLunch
Nashua Center
1:30 pmPerformanceDatabasePerformanceVirtualizationProgramming
FAD - A Tool to Provide OpenVMS File System Insight
Gregory Jordan, Lead Systems Engineer, FactSet
Migrating from Ingres to Oracle on OpenVMS
Bedford Room
Scott Knutsen, Software Engineer, DoD
Troubleshooting with SDA extensions
Chesterfield Room
Jim Mehlhop, Sr. Support Manager, PARSEC
Northwood Suite
Joe Graziano, VP of Sales, MS Consulting Services, Inc.
John Spitkovsky, CTO, MS Consulting Services, Inc.
OpenVMS meets GitHub – an overview of modern source code control systems for OpenVMS
Nashua South
Brett Cameron, Senior Software Engineer, VMS Software
2:30 pmPerformanceVirtualizationSystem ManagementMigration and PortingSecurity & ComplianceNetwork and Cluster Communications
A practical guide to getting RMS statistics in your T4
Duncan Morris, Senior VMS Engineer, CDL
Charon AXP Plus – Breaking the 1 Ghz speed barrier
Bedford Room
Thomas Siebold, Managing Consultant, S.IT.CO.
Controlled Customization using Hierarchical Logical Names
Chesterfield Room
Robert Gezelter, Principal, Robert Gezelter Software Consultant
Moving OpenVMS C to ANSI/C
Hollis Room
Jon Power, CEO, Sector7
Secure file sharing via OpenVMS (SAMBA, NFS & Pathworks)
Northwood Suite
Greg Guthman, Systems Administrator, Software Concepts International
Cluster Communications Improvements
Nashua South
Richard Stockdale, Engineer, VMS Software
3:30 pmVirtualizationPerformanceHardwareSecurity & ComplianceBig Data
OpenVMS Clusters, Long Distance, and Disaster Tolerance Updates
Keith Parris, Engineer, Hewlett-Packard Company
CHARON Virtualization Strategies and Techniques
Bedford Room
Brad Mccusker, VP VMS System Services, Software Concepts International
Free performance management tools
Chesterfield Room
Jim Mehlhop, Sr. Support Manager, PARSEC
Maintain your OpenVMS environment and expand your IT Infrastructure with HP Renew
Hollis Room
Eileen Thompson, Renew Sales Development, Hewlett Packard
The Smarts Behind Smart Cards
Northwood Suite
Bill Highleyman, Managing Editor, Availability Digest
Running and managing Oracle databases on OpenVMS
Nashua South
Christain Moser, CTO, Maklee Engineering
Guy Peleg, President, Maklee Engineering
4:30 pmHP i4 HW update and Integrity server roadmap
Nashua South
6:00 - 9:00 pmPartner Roundhouse & Dinner Reception

7:30 amRegistration and Breakfast
Ashwood Court
8:00 amVSI Roadmap
Nashua South
9:30 amProgrammingCloudMigration and PortingCloudHardware
Beginning Perl for VMS System Managers
Carl Friedberg, President, Comet & Company
Delivering mission-critical systems
Bedford Room
Colin Butcher, Technical Director, XDelta Limited
Implementation of a DropBox Client on OpenVMS
Chesterfield Room
Bill Pedersen, Consultant/OpenVMS Evangelist, CCSS, LLC
Migrating from Alpha to Integrity: A Real life experience
Hollis Room
Aubrey Howe, Principle Programmer Analyst, Skyworks, Inc
OpenVMS: Securing “The Cloud” and “The World”
Northwood Suite
TW Heim Jr, Grand Wazoo, Heim EnterpriZes
Introduction to the x86 Architecture
Nashua South
Camiel Vanderhoeven, software engineer, VMS Software
10:30 amVirtualizationSystem ManagementSecurity & ComplianceAPPLICATION DEVELOPMENTPerformanceCloud
AVTware Bare Metal Emulation, the making of
Arie de Groot, Managing Partner, AVTware
How to simulate "Chaos" to recreate those odd and strange problems
Bedford Room
Robert Nydahl, VMS Support Engineer, Hewlett-Packard Sverige AB
Secure Data Exchange with OPC UA on OpenVMS
Chesterfield Room
Brian Segulin, Sr. Software Developer, RoviSys
DevOps For OpenVMS
Hollis Room
Robert Doyle, Chief Architect, eCube Systems
Kevin Barnes, Manager, eCube Systems
OpenVMS Performance & Availability Updates - Part 1 of 2
Northwood Suite
Speaker: Rob Eulenstein, Master Technologist, Hewlett-Packard Company
Speaker: Keith Parris, Engineer, Hewlett-Packard Company
Developing iOS applications using OpenVMS Database
Nashua South
Guy Peleg, President, Maklee Engineering
11:30 amSystem ManagementVirtualizationPerformanceProgramming
Beginning AWK/GAWK for VMS System Managers
Carl Friedberg, President, Comet & Company
What you always wanted to know about OpenVMS Service Control, but were afraid to ask!
Bedford Room
John Dite, Technical Consultant, Compinia GmbH; CO KG
Profiting from Using VSI and Stromasys
Hollis Room
Dave Estes, Senior Sales Engineer, Stromasys
OpenVMS Performance & Availability Updates - Part 2 of 2
Northwood Suite
Rob Eulenstein, Master Technologist, Hewlett-Packard Company
Keith Parris, Engineer, Hewlett-Packard Company
OpenVMS VSI Compiler and RTL Update
Nashua South
John Reagan, Principal Software Engineer, VMS Software
Availability Manager feedback on future directions
Nashua Center
Barry Kierstein, Software Engineer, VMS Software, Inc
12:30 pmLunch
Nashua Center
1:30 pmProgrammingHardwareHardwareMigration and Porting
Implementing Dynamic Web Pages on OpenVMS using Apache and DCL
TW Heim Jr, Grand Wazoo, Heim EnterpriZes
Introduction to the Poulson (Intel 9500 series) Processor
Bedford Room
Keith Parris, Engineer, Hewlett-Packard Company
Understanding the Integrity Console
Chesterfield Room
Jim Mehlhop, Sr. Support Manager, PARSEC
Porting OpenVMS to x86
Nashua South
Clair Grant, Director R&D, VMS Software
2:30 pmSystem ManagementHardwareMigration and PortingProgramming
Extending DCL With Command Files
Robert Gezelter, Principal, Robert Gezelter Software Consultant
i4 vs. i2 - A Performance evaluation based on a real-world application
Bedford Room
Thilo Lauer, OpenVMS Technical Consultant IV, HP
Martin Zinser, Senior Expert Performance/Infrastructure, Eurex
Hollis Room
James Hale, CTO, Sector 7
Disaster tolerance with OpenVMS, Part 1 of 2
Northwood Suite
Colin Butcher, Technical Director, XDelta Limited
OpenVMS VSI Compilers Future Directions
Nashua South
John Reagan, Principal Software Engineer, VMS Software
3:30 pmDistributed Lock Manager v8.3 and beyond (Pool Zones and Remaster weight)
Jim Mehlhop, Sr. Support Manager, PARSEC
RTR - An Introduction and Demonstration
Chesterfield Room
Robert Nydahl, VMS Support Engineer, Hewlett-Packard Sverige AB
Overcoming corporate objections to retaining OpenVMS platform and applications
Hollis Room
Nick Kudrycz, Solutions Architect, Advanced Application Modernization
Disaster tolerance with OpenVMS, Part 2 of 2
Northwood Suite
Colin Butcher, Technical Director, XDelta Limited
Extending WSIT using RabbitMQ and AMQP - getting creative with code generation and integration
Nashua South
Brett Cameron, Senior Software Engineer, VMS Software
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm OpenVMS is on track. Now here’s what you need to know about servers.
Nashua South
Ken Surplice, Category Manager, Mission-Critical Servers, HP EMEA, HP
5:30 pm - 6:00 pmNext Generation Global Online PC Gaming Platform (yes, using OpenVMS)
Nashua South
6:00 pm - 9:00 pmVMS Reunion and Future Leaders Scholarship Dinner

7:30 amRegistration and Breakfast
Ashwood Court
8:00 amFuture OpenVMS Product Directions
Nashua South
9:30 amHardwareMigration and PortingProgrammingSystem ManagementDatabase
Introduction to the x86 Architecture
Camiel Vanderhoeven, software engineer, VMS Software
Migration to HP Integrity -i4 servers and beyond
Bedford Room
Colin Butcher, Technical Director, XDelta Limited
Increase productivity of your OpenVMS applications
Chesterfield Room
Nick Kudrycz, Solutions Architect, Advanced Application Modernization
OpenVMS Backup Strategies
Northwood Suite
Bill Smoldt, President & CEO, STORServer, Inc.
Oracle Database and Oracle Rdb on OpenVMS Product Update
Nashua South
Kevin Duffy, Senior Director, Oracle
Gary Huffman, Senior Manager, Oracle
10:30 amMigration and PortingVirtualizationSystem ManagementOpen Source Development
Porting OpenVMS to x86
Clair Grant, Director R&D, VMS Software
VMS Invent ?
Bedford Room
Gérard Calliet, ceo, pia-sofer
Migrating your OpenVMS cluster to virtual hardware with no downtime
Chesterfield Room
Darrell Wright, Senior Systems Engineer, Stromasys, Inc.
Modern OpenVMS Systems Management
Northwood Suite
Johan Michiels, OpenVMS Consultant, HP
VSI's Open Source Strategy - plans and schemes for Open Source software on OpenVMS
Nashua South
Brett Cameron, Senior Software Engineer, VMS Software
11:30 amProgrammingProgrammingSecurity & CompliancePerformanceOther
OpenVMS VSI Compilers Future Directions
John Reagan, Principal Software Engineer, VMS Software
A BLISS Primer
Bedford Room
Norman Lastovica, Engineer, Software Concepts International
Enhancing OpenVMS security with PointSecure System Detective and PointAudit
Chesterfield Room
Colin Butcher, Technical Director, XDelta Limited
Performance Analysis and Resource Contention Detection Using the Availability Manager
Northwood Suite
Barry Kierstein, Software Engineer, VMS Software
How Much Does That Computer Really Cost
Nashua South
Eddie Orcutt, Vice President of Software Engineering, VMS Software
Application Orchestration
Nashua Center
Kevin Barnes, Manager, eCube Systems
12:30 pmLunch
Nashua Center
1:30 pmProgrammingCloudDatabaseOtherMigration and Porting
Ada on OpenVMS, filling the gap
Gérard Calliet, ceo, pia-sofer
Using OpenVMS to Build an Agile Computing Base
Bedford Room
Robert Gezelter, Principal, Robert Gezelter Software Consultant
Mirroring *dissimilar* database technologies on the fly
Chesterfield Room
Bryan Holland, President, Software Concepts International, LLC
MQTT: A protocol for communicating with your things
Northwood Suite
Brett Cameron, Senior Software Engineer, VMS Software
Robert Nydahl, VMS Support Engineer, Hewlett-Packard Sverige AB
Adventures of VMS Moves, Migrations and Rehosting...
Nashua South
Brad Mccusker, VP VMS System Services, Software Concepts International
2:30 pmDatabaseSystem ManagementProgrammingNetwork and Cluster CommunicationsDatabase
Migrating SQLMODs from Rdb to Oracle
Denys Beauchemin, Account Executive, Sector7
Rebranding: What is it? Why and how did VSI provide it?
Bedford Room
Richard Bishop, Software Engineer, VMS Software
Rejuvenating your OpenVMS Applications
Chesterfield Room
Paul Holland, Vice President, Advanced Application Modernization
Network integration of OpenVMS with other platforms
Northwood Suite
Colin Butcher, Technical Director, XDelta Limited
Oracle Database 11g and Rdb 7.3 Feature Highlights
Nashua South
Kevin Duffy, Senior Director, Oracle
Gary Huffman, Senior Manager, Oracle
3:30 pmBig DataSystem ManagementProgrammingSecurity & ComplianceNetwork and Cluster Communications
Slow only wins in fairy tales
Norman Lastovica, Engineer, Software Concepts International
SYSMAN for Improved Management of Restarts
Bedford Room
Robert Gezelter, Principal, Robert Gezelter Software Consultant
The OpenVMS Fast I/O Facility
Chesterfield Room
James Preciado, Principal, James J. Preciado, LLC
Topics in OpenVMS System and Network Security
Northwood Suite
Stephen Hoffman, DRI, HoffmanLabs LLC
LAN Driver Performance Improvements
Nashua South
Richard Stockdale, Engineer, VMS Software
4:30 pmVSI Panel
Nashua South
6:00 pmSushi BoF
No location