VMS Invent ?
Track: Meal / Reception
To play and to play again are not the same thing. What will be the new paradigm of the VMS ecosystem? How the actors will coordinate their efforts toward the success? We will summarize, on our opinion, the reasons of a decline which involved a revival, the specificities yesterday and now of the VMS ecosystem, its values, its strengths and weaknesses, to point out that the situation of the VMS ecosystem is very original. Our principal evaluation is that the VMS ecosystem is between full passive consumer community and full active and engaged community, and that what makes all working together is a sort of cultural agreement. The goal of the séance is to elaborate with the audience all analysis, ideas, development factors, initiatives, that will help VMS community becoming more aware of itself, more effective to conquer the new markets, more persuasive to help transmitting the treasure to new generations.
Experience Level
Track: Meal / Reception
To play and to play again are not the same thing. What will be the new paradigm of the VMS ecosystem? How the actors will coordinate their efforts toward the success? We will summarize, on our opinion, the reasons of a decline which involved a revival, the specificities yesterday and now of the VMS ecosystem, its values, its strengths and weaknesses, to point out that the situation of the VMS ecosystem is very original. Our principal evaluation is that the VMS ecosystem is between full passive consumer community and full active and engaged community, and that what makes all working together is a sort of cultural agreement. The goal of the séance is to elaborate with the audience all analysis, ideas, development factors, initiatives, that will help VMS community becoming more aware of itself, more effective to conquer the new markets, more persuasive to help transmitting the treasure to new generations.
Experience Level