OpenVMS Management – Do you have Peace of Mind?
Track: System Management
As the person responsible for an OpenVMS system, do you have Peace of Mind that everything has been done to assure system availability? You believe your system has been configured to withstand multiple failures…every availability feature and performance optimization you know of has been configured for maximum performance and availability. And, it all seems to be working because it’s been a long, long time since you’ve had an unplanned outage. You think you have Peace of Mind, after all, what can go wrong? In a word, plenty! In a complex environment, there are literally 1,000’s of things that can go wrong – and they are often the result of neglect, mismanagement or operational errors. While not all are likely to crash the computer or cluster, many of these problems can cause unplanned outages for portions of your application – or worse. Are you confident your systems won’t fall victim to one of these possible problems? The session discusses proven methodologies and best practice for VMS system management that every system should use.
Experience Level
Track: System Management
As the person responsible for an OpenVMS system, do you have Peace of Mind that everything has been done to assure system availability? You believe your system has been configured to withstand multiple failures…every availability feature and performance optimization you know of has been configured for maximum performance and availability. And, it all seems to be working because it’s been a long, long time since you’ve had an unplanned outage. You think you have Peace of Mind, after all, what can go wrong? In a word, plenty! In a complex environment, there are literally 1,000’s of things that can go wrong – and they are often the result of neglect, mismanagement or operational errors. While not all are likely to crash the computer or cluster, many of these problems can cause unplanned outages for portions of your application – or worse. Are you confident your systems won’t fall victim to one of these possible problems? The session discusses proven methodologies and best practice for VMS system management that every system should use.
Experience Level