Implementation of a DropBox Client on OpenVMS
Track: Open Source Development
DropBox is a popular cloud based file sharing and collaboration environment with support for Windows, Linux, mobile devices, and even web based environments. OpenVMS presents some challenges in the context of Record Attributes and Record Formats which are not stored in the file itself but which are maintained in the OpenVMS file header as part of the On Disk Structure. This session discusses one particular implementation of an OpenVMS DropBox client and also discusses some alternatives. The code for this implementation will be made available after the OpenVMS Boot Camp.
Experience Level
Track: Open Source Development
DropBox is a popular cloud based file sharing and collaboration environment with support for Windows, Linux, mobile devices, and even web based environments. OpenVMS presents some challenges in the context of Record Attributes and Record Formats which are not stored in the file itself but which are maintained in the OpenVMS file header as part of the On Disk Structure. This session discusses one particular implementation of an OpenVMS DropBox client and also discusses some alternatives. The code for this implementation will be made available after the OpenVMS Boot Camp.
Experience Level