Please ensure that you read the guidelines set out below before submitting an abstract online. Abstracts must conform to the guidelines below.
The minimum browser settings for the online system are: Chrome version 22.x or higher, Firefox version 16.x or higher, Internet Explorer version 9.x or higher.
The Scientific Committee invites and encourages authors and departments to plan their submissions for 2022: Extended Deadline for submissions: 11pm on 26th June 2022
PCCS is offering generous prizes for the presentations that demonstrate the most valuable contribution to paediatric patient care in PIC Units. The prizes are:
2 Best Oral Presentations: £250 each
2 Best Oral Poster Presentations; £150 each
1 Best Poster Presentation: £100
The online system will guide you through the required information.
The online system will prompt you to select the most appropriate general topic category for your submission from this list below:
These categories will be used for reviewing and scheduling purposes.
In order to submit online you will need to set yourself up as a User. Once set up, you can submit numerous abstracts via your Profile.
It is the responsibility of the Submitter (User) to pass on any relevant information regarding the meeting to the other authors, and ensure that all authors approve the submission and presentation.
The online system will ask you to confirm the Presenting Author. All presentations (oral or poster) must be made by a listed author who has been directly involved in the project. All Presenting Authors must register (and pay) to attend the Conference.
Abstracts must use the following outline (with the exception of case reports):
For case reports ONLY use the following section headings:
The maximum length of an abstract is 300 words; this count excludes the abstract title, authors and their designations. The 300 word limit INCLUDES up to 3 references, Vancouver style).
The system will allow an upload of a Word or jpeg file to accompany your text. The word count within the table / figure must be included in the overall word count.
For video submissions, an MP4 file should bu uploaded, no longer than 3 minutes of duration, to accompany the abstract.
Funding sources or other acknowledgements should be declared, as should conflict of Interest, where prompted under “Disclosures to declare”
Thank you to authors:
We have received a fantastic response to the call for abstracts for Leicester 2022.
Please contact our Abstract Secretariat if you have any queries at all regarding abstract submission.
PCCS Meeting Secretariat
C/O Index Communications Meeting Services
Crown House
28 Winchester Road
Romsey, SO51 8AA, UK
T: + 44 (0) 1794 511332
PCCS Meeting Secretariat
c/o Index Communications Meeting Services.
Crown House, 28 Winchester Road,
Romsey, Hampshire, SO51 8AA, UK.
Hosted by the Leicester Children's Hospital