4-H State Leadership Conference 2024

July 25-28, 2024

UC Davis



We will be using the Chaperone selection process for statewide overnight events. If interested please review the chaperone position description and process on the Chaperone Information Page. Counties are not required to submit a certain number of chaperones per youth delegation. View Chaperone role description.


To apply as a chaperone for an overnight State 4-H event, please complete all of following by the submission deadline date for the event. Only candidates who complete all of the following by the deadline date will be considered.

  1. Read the Volunteer Role Description for State Leadership Conference
  2. Complete the required trainings:  
    1. Foundations of Positive Youth Development
    2. Overnight Chaperone Essentials
  3. Fill out the Chaperone Application & Acknowledgement form  

Required trainings and enrollment keys can be found on the CA 4-H Resource Center.

Selection Process

  • Selection team reviews applications for each trip or conference 
  • Selection team seeks input from county offices.
  • Selection team holds phone interviews (optional at the discretion of the event coordinator)
  • Selected chaperones are notified.
  • Chaperone registration begins after notification. Please do not register before notification.



 Contact  Jenna Colburn at jcolburn@ucanr.edu