General Travel Tips
Host City Johannesburg is a large modern African city and is located in the interior of South Africa on a plateaux at 1 750 m above sea level.

All delegates are personally responsible for ensuring that they are in possession of the correct documentation prior to their departure. The organisers do not accept responsibility for any consequences whatsoever from a delegate failing to ensure that he or she has complied with the necessary health, passport and visa requirements. Applications for visas should be submitted to the nearest South African diplomatic or consular representative abroad.If you require an invitation letter for a visa application, please indicate this during the online registration process. Please note that invitation letters for visa applications will only be issued once full payment of registration fees has been received.
Click here for more information on Visas: Please contact the South African Embassy or Consulate in your country well before departure to ascertain visa requirements.
Safety and Security
For those participants who have not previously visited South Africa, or Johannesburg, and are concerned about personal safety, we wish to assure all visitors that Johannesburg is like any other major city with good and bad areas. Common sense will ensure a trouble free and enjoyable trip. The area around the conference venue and Sandton hotels is safe and well monitored at all times but we advise that you do not walk around alone after dark in unpopulated streets. Ostentatious displays of wealth should be avoided at all times. During the conference, the information desk at the coference venue and your hotel's concierge will be able to assist you with information on places to visit and the appropriate means of transport.Please see the precautions given below:
- Do not accept offers of transport from any unauthorized person;
- Do not go into the central business areas of the main city at night;
- Preferably take a taxi at night.
Travelling with Children
Please note that a number of changes have been made to the South African Immigration Act with regard to travelling with children. The new regulations are applicable from the 1 June 2015: For more information, please click on the following link:
Electricity in South Africa is 220 volts AC at a frequency of 50 Hz. Large 3-pin plugs are used, but most hotels have sockets or adaptors for the European type plugs.US/UK – made appliances may require a transformer in order to operate in South Africa.Smoking Laws
Most public areas are smoke-free. Designated smoking areas are indicated.Language and Communication
Although there are 11 official languages in South Africa, English is the country’s primary language. It is the country’s business language and all signage is displayed in English.The official language of the FCEI Africa Conference is English however sign language interpretation will be provided during the conference sessions.
During the event presentations and posters will be presented in English with Sign Language Interpreters offered in both South African Sign Language (SASL) and International Sign.
When presentations are done in SASL or ASL an English voice over will be provided.
There will also be live captioning of all presentations of the conference, 29-30 June, which means that everything that is presented during the plenary sessions will have English captions.
Delegates are welcome to bring their own Sign Language interpreters, should they prefer their own Sign Language.
Entering South Africa does not require any form of immunization. However, a Yellow Fever vaccination certificate is required of travellers entering South Africa within six days of leaving an infected country. Visitors who travel through or disembark in such countries are advised to be inoculated against Yellow Fever prior to visiting South Africa.Certain areas of South Africa are subject to Malaria before entering these specific areas; visitors should consult a doctor or pharmacist to obtain appropriate medication.
Click here for more information
While every care is being taken in all arrangements, please note that the organisers will not be liable for any accidents, loss of / damage during the conference period. By your acceptance and payment of registration you accept the terms and conditions laid down by the Organising Committee and any of its service providers.Insurance
Delegates must make their own personal insurance arrangements.You must ensure that you have adequate personal insurance to cover your travel and medical as neither the Organising Committee nor any of its service providers can be held liable for loss or injury while at the meeting or on any of its tours or activities.Taxation
Visitors to South Africa may claim a refund of the Value Added Tax (currently 14%), paid for items purchased in South Africa. Such claims should be made upon the visitor’s departure from South Africa at the airport.Medical Services
Medical services are of a high standard and most international prescription drugs are readily available through retail pharmacies. It is suggested that you take out personal medical insurance for the duration of your
Disability Access
If you have any specific needs, please click here to contact the conference secretariat or indicate it during your online registration.