Invited Speakers
Elaine Oran
University of Maryland
Understanding Explosions: From Catastrophic Accidents to the Creation of the Universe
Not in order of presentation
Ann Dowling
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Interaction between Flames and Sound
Andreas Dreizler
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Advanced Laser Diagnostics for an Improved Understanding of Flame-Wall Interactions
Frederick Dryer
Princeton University, United States of America
Combustion Kinetic and Fuel Property Effects of Transportation Fuels
Gautam Kalghatgi
Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia
Developments in Engine Combustion Systems and Implications for Future Transport Fuels
Not in order of presentation
Osamu Fujita
University of Hokkaido, Japan
Solid Combustion Research in Microgravity as a Base of Fire Safety in Space
Vincent Giovangigli
CNRS, France
Multicomponent Transport in Laminar Flames
Assaad Masri
University of Sydney, Australia
Partial Premixing and Stratification in Turbulent Combustion
Antonio Sánchez
University of Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Scales, Modeling and Open Challenges in Spray Combustion