Themed Portfolios are conference-theme inspired print exhibits organized by and for SGCI members. They display a wide range and scope of work from SGCI’s ever-growing membership.

Please join us for an Opening Reception to celebrate the Themed Portfolio exhibits on Wednesday, April 4 from 4pm - 6 pm. The works will continue to be displayed during the following days of the conference in Palace Rooms 1-5 and Bronze Rooms 1-4:

Thursday, April 5: 9 am - 5 pm

Friday, April 6: 9 am - 5 pm

Themed Portfolios

A Short History of Male-Pattern Baldness

Exposed Strata

From the Dance Hall to the Press: Contemporary Western Women

Going to Ground

Hodology: Landscape in Motion

Imaging Utopia: Blueprints for Intent and Dissent

Las Vegas Pop-Up Strip

Layers Beneath the Moment

Machine Breakers

Mapping the Invisible Landscape

My Land/Your Land


PLACE / Meaningful Space

Surface Tension: The Barren, the Despondent and the Void

Sustained Ingrain From East to West: Contemporary Woodcuts

The Land of Milk and Honey

too bad the good times don’t last

Women, Memory and Psychological Scapes