2023 OPI Summer Institute
June 19 - 23, 2023
Welcome to the Montana OPI Summer Institute. This informational website will be updated frequently as we approach the conference. Please bookmark this site so you can refer back to it.
It is with great pleasure that we are able to offer FREE registration to all Montana educators and administrators.
Registration is limited so we ask that if your plans change, that you cancel your registration immediately so others have the opportunity to attend.
Important Conference Dates and Information
- The conference will be held at Montana State University, Bozeman Campus. Driving Directions
- Registration check in and conference information are located in the Strand Union Building. Campus Map
- Registration will close Sunday June 11th.
- We will be accepting onsite registrations pending availability.
- In our ongoing effort to be sustainable we will use a mobile app in lieu of a program and paper handouts.
- We will be using a mobile app this year to track PLU credit so, you must upload the app in order to get credit.
Important Contact Information
- For questions regarding the conference content, speakers, or sessions please contact Tammy Lysons.
- For questions regarding the registration process, cancellations, or substitutions please contact Toni Lee.
- For questions regarding billing or payments please contact Gina Reynolds.
Welcome back!