2023 OPI Summer Institute
June 19 - 23, 2023
Session Handouts
Where can I find session handouts?
- A complete set of all handouts can be accessed by clicking on the handout link below.
- Session handouts can also be found in the "Agenda" on this website. When you click on the tiny green "i", you will see the session description, speaker bios and a link to any associated handouts. Not all sessions have handouts.
- You can also access handouts through the mobile app both with the "handouts" icon and through the green "i" located near the session title in the agenda
- When you use the "Handouts" button in the mobile app, you may be prompted to upload a cloud application. You do NOT need to to do that in order to access the handouts. simply touch your screen outside of the message box and it will go away.
Handout Link