Registration Guide

Use the guide below to determine the correct registration category for you. PAAA staff will contact you in the event that you select the wrong category. Dues must be paid prior to the annual meeting in order to receive the member rates.

Category Description Early Bird Registration Rate Regular Registration (after May 23) 

PAAA Active Member



A physician allergist (MD or DO), current on PAAA membership dues, who has successfully completed two years of fellowship in allergy and immunology. $225 $275

PAAA Active Member 3 Years or Less out of Training


A physician allergist (MD or DO), current on PAAA membership dues, who is 3 years or less out of training in allergy and immunology. $100 $100

PAAA Associate Member


A non-allergist physician (MD or DO), current on PAAA membership dues. $325 $375

PAAA Corresponding Member


Any person of good character who evinces an interest in allergy, must be current on membership dues. $325 $375
PAAA Emeritus Member Retired Member. $125 $175

PAAA Poster Presenter


FIT members preseting a poster (must be submitted and approved by PAAA). No Fee to Attend No Fee to Attend
PAERF Travel Reimbursement Recipients FIT nominated by your program chair/director. No Fee to Attend No Fee to Attend

In Training (Medical Student, Resident, or Fellow)



A medical student or physician (MD or DO) enrolled in a fellowship program in allergy and immunology, current on membership dues (not presenting a poster or PAERF reimbursement recipient). $40 $40

Allied Health Professional




Office personnel or staff interested in attending the meeting; must have a PAAA Physician Member sponsor in order to attend. (Sponsor doesn’t need to attend the meeting but must be current on dues). $225 $275
Non-Member Dues not paid for 2023 or a non-member of PAAA. $560 $610