Solutions Partner FAQs

Q: How can my company unlock the benefits of becoming a Champion, Benefactor or Patron sponsor?

A: You can determine whether you qualify for Champion, Benefactor or Patron status by adding up your total investment in the WERC 2022 Conference. For example, if your company selects Package D for $8,000, and then spends an additional $2,000 on advertising, your total investment is $10,000 and you will qualify as a Patron level sponsor. For more details about the thresholds and benefits, please see pages 17-18 in our 2022 Solutions Partner Prospectus.

Q: Can I select the time and date for my Studio Session?

A: No. Studio Sessions are assigned by conference organizers upon payment.

Q: Can I bring equipment, pop-up banners or other display items for our Solution Station?

A: No. A Solution Station is not intended to replace a traditional trade show booth; there are no showroom hours, and attendees will not visit your Station as they may have visited your booth in years past. Instead, the WERC 2022 Conference is designed to bring Solutions Partners and attendees together throughout the entire four-day event. In addition to hosting a Studio Session, sales team members are encouraged to attend networking events, education sessions, facility tours, and peer-to-peer sessions. The Solution Station is designed to be a simple meeting place where you can connect with prospects you meet during the conference. You are welcome to bring small items that will fit on a six-foot table.

Q: Does my company have to be a member of WERC to become a Solutions Partner?

A: We welcome all companies that offer solutions for distribution logistics professionals, membership in WERC is not required.

Q: How many attendees are expected at WERC 2022?

A: We expect approximately 500 people to attend.

Q: Can I purchase an “exhibit only” pass for junior staff to attend the trade show?

A: No. There is no trade show at the WERC 2022 Conference, the event is designed to encourage attendees and Solutions Partners to connect throughout the entire four-day event. Sales teams, including junior staff, are encouraged to take part in everything the conference has to offer, and to connect with prospects during networking events, education sessions, facility tours and, of course, through your Studio Session. As a result, we only offer full-conference passes.

Q: Do Solutions Partners receive the list of attendees, including email addresses and contact information?

A: Solutions Partners get full contact information for anyone they badge scan during the conference. In addition, they have full access to information shared by conference attendees on the conference app.

Q: I am interested in sponsoring a WERC webinar, can my company supply the speaker and content?

A: Yes, so long as your company abides by the content guidelines set out by WERC.

Q: If I purchase a package that includes a video recording of my Studio Session, how soon will I have access to this content? What format is it provided in?

A: The video will be delivered in MP4 no more than seven business days after the last day of the conference.

Q: How can I pay for my Solutions Partner order?

A: You can pay with a credit card when you complete your application. Alternatively, you can pay via check or EFT. Please note that fulfillment begins after you have paid in full.