Overseas Delegate Scheme
APAGBI Online is very keen to welcome colleagues from other countries to the 2021 Series. As part of its aim of promoting shared educational experiences between paediatric anaesthetists, the APAGBI has set aside funds to support the attendance of colleagues from those countries categorised as non high income economies as defined by the World Bank listing here:
• Delegates from countries defined as non high income economies may attend the APAGBI Online Series without charge.
• Delegates from high income economies are welcome and the regular Member/Non-Member rates and booking system apply accordingly.
Delegates wishing to access this special scheme should E-Mail apa@indexcommunications.com with a request on the official letterhead of their organisation - eg hospital - to request attendance at their preferred online event(s). After review, these delegates will then be provided with access instructions for booking.
Index Communications Meeting Services Ltd
APAGBI Online Secretriat
Phone: +44 1794511332
Email: APA@indexcommunications.com
We have a membership of over 1000 UK and overseas anesthetists. Full Membership is open to all consultant anaesthetists with an interest in paediatric anaesthesia. Affiliate membership is open to UK based staff, Associate Specialist anaesthetists and medical practitioners with an interest in paediatric anaesthesia. Trainee Membership is open to UK and Ireland based specialist trainees.