Linkman 2

Thursday 4th November 2021 3pm to 5pm GMT


 Linkman Lead, APAGBI Dr John Rutherford 


For more inforrmation on the Linkman Scheme visit




Continuity chair: Dr John Rutherford

Programme features:

Getting It Right First Time

Professor Simon Kenny, National Clinical Director for Children and Young People in England, Consultant Paediatric Surgeon at Alder Hey Children's Hospital and Senior Honorary Lecturer.

Consent for MRI under General Anaesthesia

Dr Russell Perkins, Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist at Royal Manchester Children's Hospital and Vice-Chair of the Royal College of Anaesthetists.

Update on POEMS 

Dr Richard Martin, Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist at Great Ormond Street and Honorary Senior Lecturer.  He co-founded the POEMS course for teaching about Procedure-Induced Anxiety Management, as well as writing the book "The Management of Procedure-Induced Anxiety in Children". 

Application has been made to the Royal College of Anaesthetists for recognition for 2 CPD points.







Registration for Linkman 2

Standard Registration - from 21st October 2021 

Early Registration Standard Registration
APAGBI Member/Linkman £30.00 £40.00
APAGBI Member Trainee £30.00 £40.00
Non-Member of APAGBI £80.00 £100.00
Non-Member of APAGBI Trainee £50.00 £75.00
Retired  £15.00 £20.00
Delegates from countries defined as non high income economies Free of Charge Free of Charge