Where do I get my discount code?
It is our policy to provide the passcodes and details only to the Membership Representative. He/She will then send the passes to the colleagues of their choice. Please contact your Membership Representative. (If you don't know the rep, contact Terry@TextileExchange.org for that information.)
Where do I register?
Please visit our conference website for the registration link and all other details. https://na.eventscloud.com/website/13767/home/
Can I exchange my in-person Passes for Virtual Passes?
Virtual Passes carry a 2-for-1 value. Two virtual passes may be traded in for one additional in-person pass. Likewise, one in-person pass can be traded in for two additional virtual passes. A textile exchange team member will automatically change this for you through registration.
Can I reserve an Exhibit Booth?
The deadline for reserving an exhibit booth has now passed (Oct. 15).
Who is attending the conference?
You can view current companies attending on our website here. For privacy purposes, individual names are not released publicly. Registered attendees can view other attendees in the mobile app approximately two weeks before the conference.
Where can I reserve my hotel room?
Information regarding travel and lodging can be found on our website here.
How do I get a Letter of Invitation?
Visa letters are sent only for people attending the entire conference. Personal data is collected inside the secure registration system (do not email passport data, please!). Letters are sent only after the payment has cleared Textile Exchange's US bank.
How to modify a registration?
Directions were sent with your confirmation email. You will need the link on that form AND your reference number. If you cannot find those two pieces of information, please email Terry@TextileExchange.org.
What information will I need to login to the virtual system and check-in at the conference?
You will need your registration reference number to log into the virtual system and/or to attend the meeting in Dublin. This is number was included in your registration confirmation email and will be sent again starting two weeks before the first date of the meeting.
How do I get the link for the meetings?
The link will be sent two weeks prior to the start of the conference.
What time zone will the virtual conference be held in? Will it be all prerecorded for online attendees?
Because we are hosting from Dublin, everything will be held in Irish Standard Time (GMT+1). The sessions will be "live" at the times listed on the agenda. Virtual attendees can participate at those times, or they can view sessions on-demand afterwards. We know that attending at the scheduled time is not feasible for all time zones, but if the session has a breakout discussion or other collaborative component, only those virtual attendees online during the live presentation will be able to participate. Otherwise, the full session will be available to virtual attendees later the same day on-demand (meaning, whenever the virtual attendee wants to watch it) and for 90-days after the conference.
I am attending virtually; will I be able to meet with exhibitors?
Yes, every exhibitor will also have a virtual booth where you can meet with them 1:1.
What sessions will be offered at the conference?
You can view the online agenda here to see all of the sessions being offered at the conference.