15th International Symposium of the World Society Victimology


Platinum Sponsor

Western Australian Government

Supporting victims of crime and recognising their role in the justice system is a key commitment of the Western Australian Government. The first Commissioner for Victims of Crime was appointed in Western Australia in 2013 to advise Government about victim of crime matters, advocate for victims and increase awareness of the guidelines for treatment of victims under the Victims of Crime Act 1994 (WA). The Western Australian Government is proud to be Platinum Sponsor of the 15th International Symposium of the World Society of Victimology.

Department of the Attorney General
Western Australia Police
Department of Corrective Services
Disability Services Commission
Department for Child Protection and Family Support

Gold Sponsor

 Victims Services, part of the NSW Department of Justice, helps victims of crime access services to aid in their recovery and assists victims with their rehabilitation. Victims Services administers the Victims Support Scheme which offers victims of crime a package of care including counselling, information, referrals and advice, financial assistance and recognition payments. The Commissioner of Victims Rights directs the work of Victims Services and promotes and oversees the Charter of Victims Rights. Victims Services also participates in policy and law reforms as they relate to victims of crime.

Silver Sponsor

The Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC) is Australia’s national research and knowledge centre on crime and justice. Founded over 40 years ago, the Institute seeks to promote justice and reduce crime by conducting and funding criminological research, generating a crime and justice evidence base and disseminating research findings to inform policy and practice.

Symposium Supporter