15th International Symposium of the World Society Victimology

Dr Ann O'Neill, Chairperson, Founder, Patron & Clinical Supervisor of angelhands Inc, Australia

ADDRESS: What do victims/survivors tell us they need to help them heal?

Highly traumatised victim/survivors frequently identify that they want support and to heal from their experiences, but how are such broad concepts conceptualised? How are such concepts perceived by victim/survivors from diverse backgrounds and experiences? What sorts of supports are identified by victims/survivors as important for their recovery and what expectations do they hold for others to assist them to heal or as they often say ‘to achieve justice’? This presentation will explore how some victims’ interpretations and experiences of support might be categorised and understood in terms of what they perceive assists them to recover and explores the implications for criminal justice systems, the health system, the non-government advocacy and support sector, the clergy, victim/survivors’ families and the wider community.

Dr Ann O’Neill is an award winning humanitarian, victimologist, educator, activist, volunteer and researcher. Her interests lie in social justice and victims of serious interpersonal crimes, such as homicide and family and domestic violence. She has a unique and innovative approach to motivating, educating and assisting government departments, organisations’ and people to deal with trauma, stress and change in their lives and their work places. Her pursuits are recognised internationally as she has presented in England, Croatia and the United States. Ann founded and directed angelhands Inc for more than a decade inspiring people in all areas of life to follow their dreams.