Speaker |
Presentation Title |
David Lewis |
The many facets of Haemophilus ducreyi infection: a multidisciplinary look at an evolving pathogen |
Jennifer Riddiford |
Aboriginal Parenting Sexual and Reproductive Health Program (PASH) |
Taane Thomas |
Te Tuhono Tapu O Te Tangata: The joining of ones sacredness to another. A Maori indigenous perspective to effective sexual health promotion |
Karen Biggs |
Deadly Liver Mob: An incentive-based, peer-referral project increasing sexual health screening in Aboriginal People in Western Sydney |
Megan Smith |
Fall in genital warts diagnoses in the general and Indigenous Australian population following HPV vaccination: analysis of national hospital data |
Simon Graham |
The sustainability of a sexual health quality improvement program in regional Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services in New South Wales |
Lisa Natoli |
Benefits and barriers to integration of Chlamydia and gonorrhoea point-of-care testing into remote communities |
Rosalind Foster |
Does being in a regional area impact on the timeliness of treatment? |
Anna Yeung |
Increasing male general practitioner knowledge about chlamydia and its management is needed to increase chlamydia testing |
Mark Bloch |
Effectiveness of a Team Intervention over 12 months in Reducing Modifiable Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Risk in HIV-Infected Subjects on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) |
Phillip Keen |
Performance of the Trinity Biotech Uni-Gold HIV 1/2 Rapid Test as a first-line screening assay for gay and bisexual men |
Steve Badman |
Rapid laboratory assessment of a new GeneXpert molecular point-of-care test for detection of Trichomonas vaginalis. |
Joana Falcão |
Heterosexual HIV-negative Partners in Serodiscordant Relationships Views on HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis – A Qualitative Study |
Jiunn-Yih Su |
Effectiveness of using Grindr broadcast to increase syphilis testing among men who have sex with men in Darwin, Australia |
Ashley Ubrihien |
Use of location based mobile application GRINDR to increase MSM testing rates in Northern Sydney, Australia |
Giverny Lewis |
Wrap Your Banana: A social media campaign to increase youth engagement with reproductive and sexual health messages |
Jessie Wong |
Staying Negative campaign |
Larissa Lewis |
How young people stay safe in the sexual world of social media |
Anthony Walsh |
“Sexually healthy young men? There’s an app for that!” Evaluating the role of comedy and digital media in sexuality education with at-risk young men |
Deborah Bateson |
Setting the LARC scene - where are we now?
Jacki Mein |
"LARC-ing it up out bush" - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island women's experiences |
Terri Foran |
"To bleed or not to bleed - that is the question"
Joy Townsend |
Young women’s stories of pornography, sexual learning and sexual subjectivity formation |
Roz Ward |
"So gay, so what?" Supporting sexual diversity and gender diversity in schools |
Cristyn Davis |
"Growing Up Queer" study findings: implications for gender and sexuality diversity and sex |
Courtney Bendall |
Changes in the cohort profile of HIV-positive patients in the Australian HIV Observational Database (AHOD) |
Kirsty Smith |
Sexual Health Service Clients Prefer Home-Based Retesting for Chlamydia |
Kaylie Harrison |
An overview of the 2010-2014 NSW Aboriginal Sexual and Reproductive Health Program |
Belinda Hengel |
Barriers to timely treatment of sexually transmitted infections in remote Australian Aboriginal communities
Dea Delaney-Thiele & Mary Ellen Harrod |
Opportunistic testing for gonorrhoea in four Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services |
Mary Poynten |
Incidence and clearance of anal high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) in HIV positive and HIV negative homosexual men |
Claire Moran |
What’s normal? Influencing women’s perceptions of normal genitalia: an experiment involving exposure to modified and nonmodified images |
Marguerite Kelly |
Does your contraceptive method affect your sex life? “No, but…”: A qualitative exploration. |
Brylie Frost |
Starting Contraception: Not Talking About Sex |
Benjamin Bavinton |
What is the meaning of ‘regular partner’ in gay men’s behavioural surveillance for sexually transmitted infections? |
Kurt Sales |
Indicators of sustained behavioural change and reduced HIV risk resulting from peer-based sexual health screening and counselling amongst men who have sex with men in Western Australia |
Budi Sudarto |
Working With (Dis)Abilities: Reflection From A Pilot Project |
Karen Morgan |
Factors affecting decisions about HPV vaccination in Malaysia |
Martin Holt |
Australian gay and bisexual men remain sceptical about HIV treatment as prevention but support early initiation of treatment: results from repeated, national surveys, 2011-2013 |
Sue Dyson |
Promoting social and attitudinal change in schools - the importance of leadership support |