2014 Australasian Sexual Health Conference
Conference Details
The Australasian Sexual Health Alliance seeks to use the Australasian Sexual Health Conference to achieve its purpose of acknowledging and building on the specific expertise of sector partners in our common aims of improving national and local responses to sexual health in Australasia, in supporting and collaborating with close neighbouring countries to achieve these objectives. This conference will be held from 9-11 October 2014.

The Australasian Sexual Health Conference has previously been run by the Australasian Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) with the conference having been run for over 20 years. The conference regularly attracts over 500 delegates from Australia and the region. 

Delegates to the conference come from a range of professional backgrounds including doctors, nurses and counsellors, as well as those involved in public health, Indigenous health and health promotion aspects of HIV and STI control. The Conference focuses on key public health issues which have dominated media coverage.

In 2012 the 13th IUSTI World Congress was incorporated with over 850 delegates that attended. Since 2005 the Conference has been held back-to-back with the Australasian HIV&AIDS Conference with one full day of overlap, providing a unique opportunity to look at HIV in the broader context of sexual health. Together, the conferences attract more than 1000 delegates from across the region.

You can view the website at - www.sexualhealthalliance.org.au

Make sure you don’t miss out on this important event.

During his triennium (1988-1991) as inaugural President of the Australasian College of Venereologists Dr Morris Gollow and his wife Suzette endowed funds for an honorarium to be given to the invited presenter of the Gollow Lecture, delivered at the annual scientific meeting of the College.

AM, MRCS (Engl.), LRCP (Lond.), DepVen (Lond.), PPACSHP

Dr Gollow was born in London in 1925 and trained there, graduating in 1949.

He emigrated to WA in July 1956 and after two years in a remote area moved to Perth. In 1974 he left general practice and joined the Health Department of WA as a venereologist in the Royal Perth Hospital.

One of the organisers of the First National Conference on STDs in Australia, held in Perth in August 1978, he was also President of the WA Venereal Diseases Society from 1980 until his retirement in 1986.

In 1981 he became a Foundation Member of the National Venereology Council of Australia and in 1987 a Founding Fellow of the Australasian College of Venereologists.

He was awarded the Member of the Order of Australia for services to Medicine, particularly in the field of venereology.






22 April 1990  

The inaugural lecture was given at the first scientific meeting of the ACVen at Sydney Hospital following the first College AGM on 21 April. 

Molecular Biology in Medicine 

Professor Yvonne Cossart 

Department of Infectious Diseases, University of Sydney 

26 April 1991


The Natural History and Medico-social Complications of IDU 

Dr Alex Wodak

Director, Drug and Alcohol Service, St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney 

8 May 1992


Recent Advances in Virology

Professor Chris Burrell 

Professor of Microbiology, University of Adelaide

1 May 1993


Overview of Herpes simplex Infections 

Professor Adrian Mindel

Academic Unit in Sexual Health Medicine, University of Sydney

21 April 1994

Gold Coast

Challenge & Response: The global burden of STD infections

Professor Frank Judson 

Director Denver Department of Public Health, Denver Colorado USA 


No lecture

13 June 1996 


Review of Bacterial Vaginosis

Dr Sharon Hillier 

Associate Professor, Dept of Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Services University of Pittsburgh USA


No lecture

12 June 1998


Sexual Healing in Indigenous Communities 

Kerry Arabena

Co-ordinator of the North Queensland Sexual Health Strategy 

14 May 1999


The role of Human Papillomaviruses in Anogenital Malignancies and Prospects for HPV Vaccines 

Professor Denise Galloway 

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre, Seattle Washington USA 

22 June 2000 


The Role of STDs in HIV Transmission and for the Control of the HIV Epidemics: Available evidence from African studies and present state of discussion 

Dr Heiner Grosskurth 

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine UK

3 May 2001


HPV Epidemiology

Professor Laura Koutsky 

University of Washington Seattle USA 

31 May 2002


Interventions for Prevention of Sexual Transmission of HIV and other STIs 

Professor King Holmes 

Director, Center for AIDS and STD 

University of Washington Seattle USA

5 June 2003 


HIV Update: the state of the art 

Professor Brian Gazzard 

Chelsea and Westminster Hospitals London UK 

April 2004 


Response to the HIV global pandemic: treatment and prevention strategies in Africa

Professor Thomas Quinn 

Senior Investigator and Head of Section on International AIDS/STD Research, Laboratory of Immunoregulation, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Bethesda, MD USA 

22 August 2005 


Social Policy, STIs and HIV 

Dr Graham Neilsen 

Associate Director of Prevention, Care & Treatment, Insitute for HIV/AIDS, Family Health International, Bangkok, Thailand 

9 October 2006


HSV Recent Advances

Professor Connie Celum 

Professor of Medicine and Adjunct Professor, Epidemiology 

Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 
University of Washington School of Medicine Seattle USA 

8 October 2007

Gold Coast

Sex and Cancer 

Professor Ron Jones 

Professor, Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, Otago Medical School, New Zealand 

15 September 2008 


Diagnostics in STIs 

Dr David Smith 

Clinical Director, Microbiology, Department of Health WA 

7 September 2009


Controlling HPV associated disease: A glass half full? 

Professor Ian Frazer 

Director, Diamantina Institute of Cancer, Immunology and Metabolic Medicine 

18 October 2010


Challenges for Sexual Health Medicine

Professor Michael Kidd AM 

Executive Dean of Health Sciences, Flinders University, South Australia and Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Blood Borne Viruses and Sexually Transmissible Disease

28 September 2011 


Mr James Ward

Program Head, Senior Lecturer, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Program, The Kirby Institute, Sydney, NSW, Australia

15 October 2012 


‘Will Herpes ever be curable?’ A review of the problems , the science and the reasons for study failure

Dr Raj Patel 

President- IUSTI, Genito Urinary Medicine, The Royal South Hants Hospital, England

24 October 2013


The Evolution of Sexual Health in Australia

Professor Basil Donovan

Professor and Head of the Sexual Health Program, The Kirby Institute, The University of New South Wales, NSW, Australia

10 October 2014


The many facets of Haemophilus ducreyi infection: a multidisciplinary look at an evolving pathogen

David Lewis

Head of the Sexually Transmitted Infections Reference Centre, National Institute of Communicable Diseases, Johannesburg, Regional Director IUSTI, Africa