E-AHPBA 2019

Our Gold Partner


Our Silver Partners 


Our Bronze Partners 
Advanced Accelerator Applications (AAA)
Astellas Pharma BV 
Biocompatibles UK Ltd
BK Medical  
BOWA electronic GmbH & Co. KG
CAScination AG
IntraOp Europe GmbH
Ipsen Farmaceutica BV
Karl Storz SE & Co. KG
MeVis Medical Solutions AG
Mylan Healthcare BV
Sirtex Medical Europe GmbH
Söring GmbH
Thompson Surgical Instruments Inc.
Tricumed Medizintechnik GmbH
 Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH
Fresenius Kabi Nederland BV
Organ Assist  

Payment and cancellation

All prices are excluding VAT.

Participation as a sponsor will be invoiced by Congress Company by email.
  • 1st Payment: 25% immediately after booking
  • 2nd Payment: 75% before 1st May 2019
The amount will be paid by bank transfer, in Euro’s. Invoices will be sent within a month after booking.

Notification of a sponsor to cancel sponsored items must be submitted to Congress Company in writing. The effective date of cancellation or reduction of sponsor items will be the date on which the Congress Organizer receives the written notice. In case of cancellation the amounts already invoiced are not refundable. 

Cancellation schedule
  • On receipt of the contract 25% of the full sponsor costs will be invoiced. 
  • After 1st February 2019 no refunds are made. 
Terms of payment
After the enclosed Sponsor Contract is received by the Conference Organizer, a confirmation and an invoice for non-refundable payment of 25% of the total amount will be sent and is due for payment within three weeks after receipt. The balance of the full payment is due and payable before 1st February 2019.

The organizers wish to encourage sponsors & exhibitors to confirm their participation to E-AHPBA Congress 2019 in an early stage. For commitments received before 30 September 2018 a 10% reduction is applicable.

The Organizers accept no responsibility for any damage if the sponsored event is not performed due to any obstacle or hindrance outside the control of the Organizers, which they could not reasonably have foreseen when signing this contract and which the Organizers could not have avoided at a reasonable effort of cost. Such obstacles and hindrances include, but are not limited, to the outbreak of war, civil riots, governmental or other obstacles for the freedom of travel, union actions, natural disasters, fire, flooding and any other circumstances that fall within the meaning of the above.