International Serious and Organised Crime Conference 2013

Preliminary program

This program is subject to change without notice

Monday 29/07/2013
8:00 am - 9:00 amRegistration [More Info]
Plaza Foyer
9:00 am - 9:30 amWelcome to Country and Conference Opening
Plaza 1-2
9:30 am - 10:20 amInvestigating Transnational Organized Crime—the ICE Perspective [More Info]
Plaza 1-2
Speaker: Mr Daniel Ragsdale, Deputy Director, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
10:20 am - 10:45 amStrengthening our response to organised crime: Australia’s National Plan to Combat Cybercrime [More Info]
Plaza 1-2
Speaker: The Hon Shayne Neumann MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Attorney-General
10:45 am - 11:15 amMorning tea
Plaza Foyer
11:15 am - 12:05 pmOrganised crime and corruption—opportunities and controls [More Info]
Plaza 1-2
Speaker: Professor Adam Graycar, Professor of Public Policy, Director, Transnational Research Institute on Corruption, Australian National University
Asian organised crime gangs and criminal networks in the Asia Pacific region [More Info]
Plaza 4-5
Speaker: Professor Rod Broadhurst, Chief Investigator, ARC Centre for Excellence in Policing and Security
12:05 pm - 12:55 pmThe corruptor and the corrupted—Examining the link between organised crime and law enforcement corruption [More Info]
Plaza 1-2
Speaker: Mr Philip Moss, Integrity Commissioner, Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity
Illegal dealing in legal drugs—A serious and organised crime law enforcement dilemma [More Info]
Plaza 4-5
Speaker: Mr Robert Bromwich SC, Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions
12:55 pm - 1:45 amLunch
Plaza Foyer
1:45 pm - 2:25 pmPreventative partnerships in the fight against transnational organised crime [More Info]
Plaza 1-2
Speaker: Mr Roger Wilkins AO, Secretary, Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department
2:25 pm - 3:00 pmOrganised crime and gang crime and the Queensland Police Service response to those challenges [More Info]
Plaza 1-2
Speaker: Commissioner Ian Stewart APM, Queensland Police Service
3:00 pm - 3:30 pmAfternoon tea
Plaza Foyer
3:30 pm - 4:00 pmConcurrent session 1a—Intelligence: Fusion—What is it and how is it being used to address serious organised crime? [More Info]
Plaza 1-2
Concurrent session 1b—Trafficking: Experiences of exploitation, implications for support and participation in the criminal justice system: A case study of Indonesian victims of human trafficking [More Info]
Plaza 3
Concurrent session 1c—Policing: Going Dutch? Comparing approaches to preventing organised crime in Australia and the Netherlands [More Info]
Plaza 4
Concurrent session 1d—Cyber: Crime from the keyboard—Organised cybercrime, initiation, knowledge transmission and crime escalation [More Info]
Plaza 5
4:00 pm - 4:30 pmConcurrent session 1a—Intelligence: A theoretical framework for strategic intelligence in law enforcement focused on transnational organised crime [More Info]
Plaza 1-2
Concurrent session 1b—Trafficking: Getting to grips with human trafficking: Converting a confused concept into a guide for action [More Info]
Plaza 3
Concurrent session 1c—Policing: A reflection on Project Wickenby and lessons for future task forces [More Info]
Plaza 4
Concurrent session 1d—Cyber: Networked policing versus networked offending: Police responses to trans-border crime involving online child exploitation material [More Info]
Plaza 5
4:30 pm - 5:00 pmConcurrent session 1a—Intelligence: New communications technologies and organised crime investigations [More Info]
Plaza 1-2
Concurrent session 1b—Trafficking: Bride Trafficking [More Info]
Plaza 3
Concurrent session 1c—Policing: Conceptualising organised crime [More Info]
Plaza 4
Concurrent session 1d—Cyber: Operation Achilles—Infiltration of a global child sex offender network [More Info]
Plaza 5
5:00 pm - 5:30 pmConcurrent session 1a—Intelligence: Driving innovation through the economics of information sharing [More Info]
Plaza 1-2
Concurrent session 1d—Cyber: Measuring cybercrime activity—A conceptual framework [More Info]
Plaza 5
5:30 pm - 7:00 pmNetworking reception [More Info]
Plaza Foyer

Tuesday 30/07/2013
8:30 am - 9:00 amRegistration
Plaza Foyer
9:00 am - 9:30 amDay 2 opening [More Info]
Plaza 1-2
Speaker: The Hon Jason Clare MP, Minister for Home Affairs, Minister for Justice
9:30 am - 10:10 amBreaking the business of organised crime—Prevention is cure [More Info]
Plaza 1-2
Speaker: Mr John Lawler AM APM, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Crime Commission
10:10 am - 10:25 amMorning tea
Plaza Foyer
10:25 am - 11:15 amChallenges of organised cybercrime and identity theft [More Info]
Plaza 1-2
Speaker: Mr Michael Sachs, Chief of Staff, Investigation Division , New York County District Attorney's Office
11:20 am - 12:00 pmSerious and organised crime elements of cybercrime and how High Tech Crime Operations is effectively positioning the AFP to combat the perils of both cyber and more traditional crime [More Info]
Plaza 1-2
Asst. Commissioner Tim Morris AM APM, National Manager High Tech Crime Operations, Australian Federal Police
Targeting Vulnerabilities—Private sector engagement and non-traditional outcomes [More Info]
Plaza 4-5
Speaker: Deputy Commissioner Michael Phelan APM, Deputy Commissioner Close Operations Support, Australian Federal Police
12:00 pm - 12:50 pmThe Budapest Convention on Cybercrime—Is harmonisation achievable in a digital world? [More Info]
Plaza 1-2
Speaker: Professor Jonathan Clough, Faculty of Law, Monash University
Intelligence partnerships for a safer Australia—The journey of the Australian criminal intelligence model [More Info]
Plaza 4-5
Speaker: Mr Ben McDevitt AM APM, State Manager, Queensland, Australian Crime Commission
12:50 pm - 1:30 pmLunch
Plaza Foyer
1:30 pm - 2:00 pmOrganised crime—An integrated, intelligence-led approach to border management [More Info]
Plaza 1-2
Speaker: Mr Mike Pezzullo, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Customs and Border Protection Service
2:00 pm - 2:50 pmTaking UNODC’s Transnational Organized Crime Threat Assessment program forward [More Info]
Plaza 1-2
Speaker: Mr Jeremy Douglas, Regional Representative, Regional Office for Southeast Asia and the Pacific, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
2:50 pm - 3:10 pmAfternoon tea
Plaza Foyer
3:10 pm - 3:40 pmConcurrent session 2a—Legal frameworks: Disrupting organised crime: An examination of criminal association laws and their effectiveness [More Info]
Plaza 1-2
Concurrent session 2b—Networks: Outwit, outplay, outlast—An examination of how resilience develops in criminal networks [More Info]
Plaza 3
Concurrent session 2c—Modelling: Redefining the Organised Crime Model—A profit motivated enterprise balancing business risk and return [More Info]
Plaza 4
Concurrent session 2d—Markets: Integrity in sport—Approaches and case studies
Plaza 5
3:40 pm - 4:10 pmConcurrent session 2a—Legal frameworks: Complicity in cyberspace—Applying doctrines of accessorial liability to online groups [More Info]
Plaza 1-2
Concurrent session 2b—Networks: Understanding trafficking in stolen vehicles—combining script anaylsis with network analysis [More Info]
Plaza 3
Concurrent session 2c—Modelling: Measuring the scale of organised crime and its impact on governance, security and development [More Info]
Plaza 4
Concurrent session 2d—Markets: Drug Use Monitoring in Australia—Implications for monitoring drug markets
Plaza 5
4:10 pm - 4:50 pmResponding to organised crime through intervention in recruitment pathways [More Info]
Plaza 1-2
Speaker: Dr Russell Smith, Principal Criminologist, Australian Institute of Criminology
4:50 pm - 5:00 pmClosing remarks
Plaza 1-2