International Serious and Organised Crime Conference 2013

Organised crime—An integrated, intelligence-led approach to border management

Speaker: , Chief Executive Officer, Australian Customs and Border Protection Service

Australia has one of the largest and most challenging border environments in the world.

We face an ever-increasing volume of cargo and traveller movement, multiple supply chains, the impact of the digital environment, the threat of sophisticated criminal activities, and the complexity of our role, combined with our own internal challenges. While we do a good job today, we recognise the way we currently operate will not be enough to protect the border in the future and we must be ready, as Australia’s primary border agency, with the right tools and capabilities.

We must meet the challenge head on in a dynamic, comprehensive and integrated way.

Integral to our role of managing the border effectively are the strong partnerships we develop with our law enforcement partners, and the importance of employing an effective intelligence-led model across the border environment.