International Serious and Organised Crime Conference 2013

Organised crime and gang crime and the Queensland Police Service response to those challenges

Speaker: , Queensland Police Service

Within the overarching conference theme of future directions for law enforcement and organised crime, organised crime risks, and, policing organised crime, this presentation will relate the Queensland context to the global context of transnational crime. The presentation will detail the challenges posed by organised crime and gang crime in Queensland, including illicit drugs, cyber crime, outlaw motor cycle gangs and child exploitation material. The Queensland Police Service (QPS) response to those challenges will be discussed - aimed to target, disrupt and dismantle the criminal activities of people associated with organised and gang crime and reduce the impact of such crime in Queensland. This response includes collaboration with other agencies, the legislative response, increasing public and industry awareness, innovative technologies and targeted policing strategies. A number of case studies will also be presented, outlining significant results achieved as a result of major operations undertaken by the QPS, some in partnership with other agencies and jurisdictions.