Olive, an Ancient Crop for a Sustainable Future 
Sunday-Thursday, 10-14 September, 2023
Alumni Center, 530 Alumni Lane, Davis, CA 95616
University of California, Davis, California
Organized and hosted by:
University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of California, Davis
International Society for Horticultural Science
Click here for the Book of Abstracts
Click here for a list of attendees
The Olive Symposium was attended by 119 participants from 14 countries. Thank you for making this event a success!
This event granted a golden opportunity for researchers and industry stakeholders to once again share research findings and industry development, at the University of California, Davis.
This 5-day Symposium, hosted by ISHS, included all aspects of basic and applied research including breeding & genetics, crop physiology & biology, orchard design, propagation, planting systems, canopy management, soil management, crop protection, harvest, irrigation & fertilization, climate change and sustainable orchard management, precision management and new technologies, table olive & olive oil processing, quality and safety, olive oil health benefits, adulteration, by-products, marketing including, economics, certification and rural policy.
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