
Alt Hotel St. John’s
125 Water Street
St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador
A1C 5X4

Toll-free: 1-844-625-0123
Phone: 1-709-383-2125
Hotel Website

We welcome you to join us at the Alt Hotel in St. John’s. This venue offers a modern event space with state-of-the-art facilities, providing an ideal setting for guidED. Experience the vibrant, cultural and historical charm of St. John's, as the hotel is in the heart of the city, making it convenient to explore the city's attractions, restaurants, and entertainment options during your stay.

We have negotiated a special rate for you upon registration. Specific details for booking your hotel will be sent in your registration confirmation email. Our rate ($209-$249/night) will be made available to you for five days pre- and post-event as well, so that you can take some additional time to explore the island!