Registration Fees for Non-Members

Early discount: before 8 April 2020

Standard Rate: on or after 8 April 2020

Day Delegate Conference Rate (either Thursday and Friday)



Full Conference Rate (Thursday and Friday)



Registration Fees for Non-Members: Trainees

Early discount: before 8 April 2020

Standard Rate: on or after 8 April 2020

Day Delegate Conference Rate (either Thursday and Friday)



Full Conference Rate (Thursday and Friday)



Paediatric Peri-operative Medicine Symposium

Symposium Fee

Early discount: before 8 April 2020

Standard Rate: on or after 8 April 2020

Non-member: Wednesday Workshop if attending Thursday or Friday



Non-member: Wednesday Workshop if attending Wednesday only



Trainee Non-Member: if attending Thursday or Friday 



Trainee Non-Member: Wednesday only



Workshop Supplements: Non-members

Workshop supplements

Supplementary Fee for  delegates registered for the day of the workshop

Anxiety Management (Thursday)


Difficult Airways (Thursday)


TIVA for TOTs: Practical TIVA (Friday)


Scientific Publishing: led by Pediatric Anesthesia (Friday)

No supplement

Social Programme

Tickets Prices


Subject to availability

Welcome reception: King's College Terrace with views of the South Bank (Wednesday)


Conference Dinner: a slice of history with Barber- Surgeons' Hall (Thursday)
