Abstract Submission
Please ensure that you read the guidelines set out below before submitting an abstract on-line. Abstracts must conform to the guidelines below:
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Guidelines for submitting an abstract for poster or oral presentation.
Submission Deadline: 23.00 hours on Sunday 2 February 2020
Please select the most appropriate general topic category for your submission from this list below:
- Case Report
- Education and Training
- Quality Improvement
- Research
Trainee Prize
The on-line system will ask you to indicate if you wish to be considered for the Trainee Prize Presentation (see below).
Submitter (User)
In order to submit on-line you will need to set yourself up as a User. Once set up, you can submit numerous abstracts via your Profile.
It is the responsibility of the Submitter (User) to pass on any relevant information regarding the meeting to the other authors, and to ensure that all authors approve the submission and presentation.
Presenting Author
You will be asked to confirm the presenting author.. All presentations (oral or poster) must be made by a listed author who has been directly involved in the project. All presenting authors must register (and pay) to attend the conference.
Please note that to qualify for the trainee poster presentations the trainee must be listed as the First Author and also be the presenting author.
Abstract Formatting Guidelines
Abstracts must use the following outline (with the exception of case reports and submissions in the Quality Improvement category):
- Introduction and aims
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion and conclusion
For case reports ONLY use the following section headings:
- Description
- Discussion
- Acknowledgements
For Quality Improvement submissions ONLY use the following section headings:
- Background/Context
- Problem
- Strategy for change
- Measure of improvement
- Lessons learnt
- Message for others
For all abstracts:
- The maximum length of an abstract is 450 words; this count excludes the abstract title and references. No further additions can be made once the word limit has been reached.
- A maximum of 4 references may be included, Vancouver style. i.e.
- Citations to someone else's work in the text, indicated by the use of a number.
- A sequentially numbered reference list at the end of the document providing full details of the corresponding in-text reference.
Abstracts will be accepted as text only and no graphs/tables/images can be submitted.
Funding sources or other acknowledgements should be declared, as should any conflict of interest, where prompted under “Disclosures to declare”
Acceptance of Abstracts
Following the submission deadline on 2 February 2020, each abstract will be assessed by adjudicators appointed by the Scientific Committee. Only those accepted will be invited to present or exhibit at the Meeting. You will receive notification confirming if your abstract has been accepted or declined 3-4 weeks after the deadline. Abstracts submitted after 23:00 on 2 February 2020 will not be considered or accepted.
Reproduction of Abstracts
By submitting an abstract you automatically give us permission to print your submission in the Meeting Programme and in an online abstract booklet/App. If it is accepted for presentation, it will be produced in hard copy.
Free Paper Oral Presentations
Nine papers submitted for oral presentation will be selected by the judging panel for presentation during the meeting. Papers submitted for oral presentation but not accepted will be considered for poster presentation if this is indicated on the submission form.
If the first author and presenter of an oral paper or poster is a Trainee, s/he may elect to be considered for the appropriate prize. If the trainee who did the work was subsequently appointed to a consultant post, they remain eligible for the trainee prize
The prizes will be awarded based on the scientific merit and quality of the presentation by a panel of judges appointed by the Chair of the Scientific Committee.
Strict time limits will be applied for the oral presentations, with additional time allocated for questions from the judging panel. A list of the nine selected oral presentations will appear in the Final Programme once they have been scheduled.
Criteria for Trainee Status
- A Trainee is eligible if they are during, or within one year of completion of, professional training or a higher degree at the deadline for submission at 23.00 on 2 February 2020 .
- This includes:
- nursing, allied health professional, or medical students in a university or recognised professional training post;
- students from science, medical, nursing or allied health professional backgrounds undertaking a higher degree (i.e. Masters, PhD or MD);
- graduates within a specialist training/board certification scheme
- A tick box is included on the submission form and trainees are required to complete this stating that the presenting author is or was a trainee when the case/data/audit etc was commissioned.
- Work done by consultants is encouraged but they are not eligible for any of the prizes.
Ethical Guidelines
Abstracts must conform to international ethical guidelines for animal or human research where relevant.
Abstracts that do not conform will be rejected. Where relevant, details of Ethics Approvals should be listed in the Ethical Approval section of the on-line system.
Preparation and Display of Posters
On notification of acceptance of your poster, you will be sent details of the size of the poster boards and necessary formatting. The poster should identify the title of the paper and name the authors and their affiliations across the top. Text should be legible from 100cm and drawings and charts kept simple.
Contact details:
APAGBI Meeting Secretariat
C/O Index Communications Meeting Services
Crown House
28 Winchester Road
Romsey, SO51 8AA, UK
T: + 44 (0) 1794 511331/2