Your Host 

Lee Davy

Modern Way of Ascended Mastery

Coach & Retreat Host

"I wish only to share with you what I have learned over a lifetime of searching and studying health, consciousness and healing arts. I wish for you to gain the same benefits and outlook that comes from working with and mastering the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual mixture from which we are all made." - Lee Davy

Meet Your Host


My Story . . .

I’ve always known that WE were meant to be MORE.

I always strive to move beyond perceived limitations and old, outdated beliefs to push the boundaries of what I felt was possible – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. This perspective and framework forms the foundation for your HERO’S JOURNEY, which was birthed from my own.

And that we can have, do and BE more than what we’ve been led to believe. I’ve discovered over a lifetimeof searching and of pushing boundaries that we are truly capable of limitless, superhuman potential. That’s the Hero’s Journey!

It’s our duty to tap into these abilities, to open our hearts, and to share them with the world. We are not victims of our circumstances, but rather are the creators of them. 

It would be my honor to walk with you as you uncover your superhuman potential, to open your heart an embody your Divinity while REMEMBERING YOU ARE THE HERO IN YOUR OWN STORY, AND THIS IS YOUR JOURNEY TO REDISCOVERY.

The journey within is the Ultimate Adventure of Your Life!

What we have curated is an all-encompassing experience to allow you to cleanse, create, and step into your true consciousness – the truth of who you really are, beyond the misconceptions and illusions.

If you’re ready to walk with me, I’m here for you. 

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