DAY 2/JOUR 2- 10 December
Presentation by the IMF on its new book - Customs matters: A Roadmap to Strengthen Customs Administration in Changing World -Tadatsugu Matsudaira (IMF) see PPT VOIR LA PPT
Introduction of INCU (International Network of Customs Universities) -Mikhail Kashubsky (INCU) see PPT VOIR LA PPT
Round table discussion on Education and Training
Panellist: - Céline de QuatreBarbes (FERDI) see PPT VOIR LA PPT - Jong seo Chai (Seongkyukwan University) see PPT - Kerstin Harden (University of Münster) see PPT - Hanns-Thilo von Spankeren (OLG Celle) see PPT
Other selected paper -Mengistu Bawoke see PPT