Author Next Steps
All but a small number of abstract submitters should have received the outcome of their submissions. If you have not yet received an outcome email please email.
Short Papers
The format of the Short Papers is 3 minutes presentation with a further 2 minutes for questions from the session Chairs and virtual audience.
This year we are asking all short paper presenters to submit a recording of their presentation. During the session, the recorded presentation will be shown, followed by a live Q&A session. The main reason for this is to avoid any connection problems on the day of the presentation.
Pre-record your presentation and submit it by 1st April in MP4 Video file format.
Talking Posters
The format of the Talking poster presentations will be 2 minutes long and should include the presenter discussing the content of the poster, which should be visible on the screen. After all the presentations in the session are complete there will be a live Q&A with the presenters and session chairs.
Talking poster presentations must be pre-record and submitted by 1st April in MP4 Video file format.
Recording your presentation
Zoom is ideal for this as it’s really simple to do. It allows you to share your screen for the slides (or poster) and for you to be seen while you are presenting.
- Set up a Zoom meeting
- Join your zoom meeting
- Share your screen to show your slides. We suggest doing a couple of run throughs using the stop watch function on your phone so that by the time you record, you know you are speaking within the time limit. Also check your sound quality.
- Once you are ready to record, hit the record button and start your presentation.
- When you’ve finished stop recording.
- Go into recordings and download the recording of your presentation
- Save your recording as your Congress Programme code, found within your follow up email.
- Uploaded your recording to WeTransfer and send the link to the following address - (please note only WeTransfer links should be sent to this email address all other enquiries here)
To upload your ePoster please visit - Only the abstracts requiring an ePoster will be visible. We have included some abstract information as read only fields to ensure that you are uploading the correct ePoster. The ePoster template can be found here. Your poster should be saved as a .PDF and uploaded. Please use this template for guidance to produce your ePoster, feel free to change the section headings to suit your abstract. For the best online viewing please ensure that your Poster is landscape. ePosters must be submitted by 16th April 2021.
All presented/displayed abstracts are published in the BJS