Training Example
The Seven Goals
       1.     Quit smoking

2.     Increase regular physical activity (participants can select one or more choices)

- Walk up to 30 mins every day (or three 10 minute walks)
- Join the Heart Foundation Walking program and walk x times per week
- Work out at the gym x times per week
- Attend a yoga class x times a week
- Do a pilates class x times a week
- Swim – x times a week
- If appropriate set a goal to participate in a group activity eg Train for and complete a half marathon/ fun run/ bike ride/walking activity

- Leave the car at home one day a week and catch public transport instead

- Join a zumba, dance or jazz ballet class

- Walk in your local national park x times
- Other

3.     Improve everyday nutrition (participants can select 2 or more choices)

- Cook Heart Foundation healthy recipes x times per week

- Eat 2 fruits and 5 vegetables every day

- Choose Tick products where the choice is available

- Reduce saturated fat - replace butter with margarine, drink skim not full fat milk

- Eat two or three servings of oily fish like salmon, every week

- Avoid salty foods - including processed meats, salty snacks and nuts, pickled vegetables, fish sauce, soy sauce, olives, capers and anchovies.

- Enjoy foods with high sugar content, such as cakes and biscuits, in small quantities as a once a week treat
- Bring lunch to work x times a week
- Reduce takeaway food to only x times week
- Other

4.     Choose healthier drinks (one or more choices)

- Choose water or low sugar options over fizzy drinks, juice or sports drinks
- Reduce alcohol intake to no more than two standard units per day
- Other

5.     Undertake activities to lower high blood pressure (all to be selected)

 -Walk up to 30 mins every day
- Avoid salty foods - including processed meats, salty snacks and nuts, pickled vegetables, fish sauce, soy sauce, olives, capers and anchovies-

- Aim for a healthier body weight by setting a realistic goal
- Take any prescribed medicines as directed by a health professional
- Have regular medical checks in consultation with a GP


6.     Undertake activities to improve cholesterol levels (all to be selected)

- Eat 2 fruits and 5 vegetables every day

- Eat two or three servings of oily fish like salmon, every week

- Swap butter for margarine

- Switch to reduced, low or no fat dairy products

- Replace biscuits or cakes with raisin bread or toast with margarine

- Replace processed meat like salami with alternatives like lean ham
- Take any prescribed medicines as directed by a health professional
- Have regular medical checks in consultation with a GP

7. Take action with your heart health (all to be selected)
- Know your numbers – blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugars
- Know your personal risks – impact of family history, age (menopause) and gender on your heart health
- Take action on lifestyle changes you can make to improve your heart health – walking 30 mins per day, healthy eating
- Take any prescribed medicines as directed by a health professional
- Have regular medical checks in consultation with a GP