20+ invited speakers from diverse disciplines within contemplative studies
In addition to more than one hundred presenters accepted through our call for papers, we will feature over 20 distinguished, invited speakers:
Keynote Speakers:
Richard Davidson
Center for Healthy Minds
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Carolyn Jacobs
Smith College School for Social Work, Dean Emerita
Amishi Jha
University of Miami
Rhonda Magee
University of San Francisco
Matthieu Ricard
Shechen Tennyi Dargyeling Monastery
Sharon Salzberg
Insight Meditation Society
Zindel Segal
University of Toronto - Scarborough
Evan Thompson
University of British Columbia
Master Lecturers:
Sarah Bowen
University of Washington
Judson Brewer
Yale University
Niki Clements
Rice University
John Dunne
University of Wisconson-Madison
Jeremy Hunter
Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management
Geshe Thupten Jinpa
McGill University
Catherine Kerr
Brown University
Erin McCarthy
St. Lawrence University
Lizabeth Roemer
University of Massachusetts, Boston
Robert Roeser
Penn State University
Harold Roth
Brown University
Clifford Saron
University of California-Davis
Contemplative Faculty and Artists:
Alejendro Chaoul
The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Andrew Dreitcer
Claremont School of Theology
Richard Freeman
The Yoga Workshop
Alan Godlas
University of Georgia
Roshi Joan Halifax
Upaya Zen Center
Rev. Takafumi Kawakami Osho
Shunkoin Temple
Louis Komjathy
University of San Diego
Genine Lentine
John Makransky
Boston College
Srinivas Reddy
IIT Gandhinagar
Mary Taylor
The Yoga Workshop
Sheila Peltz Weinberg
Institute for Jewish Spirituality
Nathan Wirth