Prior to the main programme of the
7th meeting of the European Society for
Evolutionary Developmental Biology (EED), there will be a number of Satellite
Sessions on Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th June.
Satellite sessions are open to all registered delegates and charged at a supplement fee:
Full Delegate Satellite Session €55.00
Student Satellite Session €35.00
Satellite Session Programme
Click here to download Cnidaria satellite session programme
Click here to download Tribolium satellite session programme
Click here to download Amphioxus satellite session programme
Bookings for a Satellite Session are made via the main registration form.
We are pleased to announce a
Cnidaria Evo-Devo
meeting that will take place on Monday & Tuesday
25-26 June, 2018, as a
satellite event of the 7th meeting of
the European Society for
Evolutionary Developmental Biology (EED) at National
University of Ireland,
We intend this meeting to be
an informal venue to discuss emerging
themes and new perspectives on classical questions in
cnidarian development and
evolution. The meeting will include oral
presentations and posters (the latter can also be part of the
general EED poster
presentation) as well as plenty of time for discussions, e.g.
on the
application and impact of functional and ‘omics
technologies in the field. We particularly
encourage early-career researchers (i.e. postdocs and
postgrads) to present
their data.
Registration to the satellite meeting will be through to registration to the general EED conference. We hope to see you all in Galway.
James Gahan, Fabian Rentzsch,
and Uri Frank
The organizing committee

The phylogenetic position of the cephalochordate amphioxus, together with its relatively simple and evolutionarily conserved morphology and genome structure, has led to its use as a model for studies of animal evolution, with a special focus on the origin of deuterostomes, chordates, and vertebrates. In particular, the recent development of technical approaches, as well as access to several complete amphioxus genome sequences, has provided the community with tools to address these key events of
metazoan diversification.
Today, researchers work on five different amphioxus species, for which animal husbandry protocols are being developed and three complete genome sequences are available (two more in progress). The amenability of amphioxus for classical embryological and developmental techniques is constantly being improved, with the number and impact of publications dedicated to this model having considerably increased in the course of the last few years.
In an effort to advance amphioxus as a model organism, a satellite meeting on amphioxus will be held ahead of the 7th Meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology (EED) in Galway, Ireland, on Monday June 25 and Tuesday June 26, 2018. This will be the third installment of the EED amphioxus satellite meeting, aiming at facilitating new exchanges and collaborations among researchers.
The 2018 EED amphioxus satellite meeting will thus bring together established experts on different aspects of amphioxus research and on different amphioxus species as well as those scientists interested in the model as part of their ongoing or future research topics, to discuss potential, possibilities, and future directions of the model.
Registration to the satellite meeting will be through to registration to the general EED conference. We hope to see you all in Galway.
Hector Escriva, Michael Schubert, and Jr-Kai Sky Yu
The organizing committee
This year's International Tribolium Meeting will take place in Galway, Ireland on June 25 and 26, 2018 as a satellite meeting of the EED 2018 Conference. Although called “Tribolium meeting”, all researchers interested in the evolution of development and working on other insects and arthropods are most welcome to participate.
Registration to the Tribolium satellite meeting will be through registration to the general EED conference (EED registration website). More information concerning the Tribolium meeting will be posted on the meeting webpage.
Please inform others who might be interested in joining the meeting. Participants from other (related) fields are welcome. If you have any questions about the meeting, please contact the organizer at:
Ezzat El-Sherif
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg