CALL FOR SYMPOSIA - Closed Call for Symposia is now closed.
Click here to see the Selected Symposia

The Scientific Committee of the EED invites proposals for symposia for the Galway Conference. It is the aim of our conferences to stimulate the communication between sub-disciplines and researchers from different countries. We therefore particularly encourage submission of symposia on broad and integrative topics of potential interest to researchers from different fields (e.g. developmental biology, genetics, palaeontology, theoretical biology, genomics, morphogenesis) and with a clear evolutionary aspect. We strongly encourage symposia that combine animal and plant studies and this will be a major selection criterion in the case of symposium topics that are suitable for both animal and plant talks.
Ideally, speakers should come from several countries, with no more than 2 speakers from the same country. Symposia can accommodate 4 invited speakers and allow 25 minutes for each speaker (20 minutes talk and 5 minutes discussion). Please note that speakers can only present in a single symposium.
To facilitate selection of symposia for the program, please include the following in your proposal:
- Title of symposium
- Provisional list of proposed speakers
- Brief (abstract length) description of the symposium, including a short indication of what the different speakers are expected to contribute
- Brief justification of why the symposium is appropriate for an EED meeting (e.g. timeliness, general interest, interdisciplinarity)
- Contact information of all symposium organizers
- Please indicate whether you intend to seek external financial support for your symposium
The deadline for symposium proposals was 1 September 2017.
All submissions should be sent to:
Please note that the EED does not provide financial support for speakers invited to a symposium, and the Society thus encourages symposium organizers to seek external support for their symposium.