

Monday, 16 October 2017

19:30                        Welcome Cocktail

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

All Day                     Exhibition open


09:00 - 12:00          Insight session 1 - THE PASSENGER JOURNEY STEP BY STEP

Moderator: Etienne van Zuijlen

Improving process efficiency, increasing passenger throughput and reducing costs are the primary drivers for airports, airlines and ground handlers. SITA Passenger Processing offers the most complete set of passenger processing and tracking capabilities available from one supplier in the market. The session will provide:

  • End-to-End Passenger processing and Smart Path (Stephen Challis)
  • Baggage management (Peter Drummond)
  • IATA resolution 753, RFID, End-to-End Baggage portfolio, World Tracer, Bag scanning
  • Border management: iBorders (Peter Sutcliffe)
  • Airport Operations - AMS (Christian Dana)

12:00 - 13:00          Lunch

13:00 - 15:00          Insight session 2 - THE FUTURE OF DIGITAL AIRCRAFT

Moderator: Stephan Egli

The air transport industry has seen some game-changing "digital revolutions" in the last few years, but what's in store in the future for the digital traveler, the digital airport, and the digital aircraft? SITA takes a glimpse of the future. In this session, you can experience:

  • Introduction (Stephan Egli)
  • Case study Cockpit & Crew Apps (Toby Tucker)
  • Case study Flight Safety & Operations (Paul Gibson)
  • Case study Aircraft Health & Maintenance (Pierre-Yves Benain)
  • Case study Passenger Experience (Stephan Egli)

13:00 - 15:00          Insight session 3 - THE FUTURE OF COMMUNICATION IN ATI

Moderator: Vivien Eberhardt

Tomorrow will be different. This session consider the digital agenda for tomorrow’s industry. What progress has been made to date, what are the strategic priorities and what might our digital future look like? In considering the thinking, trends and technologies that will bring about the digitization of air transport, we look at how a transformed industry will do things better to redesign operations and improve passenger journeys – whether before, after or on the day of travel.

  • Day of travel (Airport apps, Beacons, Airport maps, API shop), Day of operations, Disruption Management  (Ron Reed)
  • Cybersecurity (Vivien Eberhardt)
  • Blockchain (Gustavo Pina)
  • Data Management and Evolution, Big Data (Alan Burgess)

15:15                       Departure of buses to Airbus Tour

16:00 - 18:00           Tour of Airbus

19:00                       Cocktail and Dinner at the East Restaurant - Hamburg*

                                 *Dress code for the Event and the dinner is business casual

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

All Day                     Exhibition open


08:30 – 09:00           Welcome Coffee and Registration

09:00 – 17:30           EURO AIR TRANSPORT IT SUMMIT 2017 PLENARY


09:00 - 09:30            Welcome and Opening

                                 Johannes Scharnberg, Director Aviation/Prokurist, Hamburg Airport

                                 Ralph Beisel, CEO, ADV (Association German Airports)

                                 Michael Gerhards, Managing Director, Airbus Cybersecurity Germany

                                 Barbara Dalibard, CEO, SITA

                                 Sergio Colella, President Europe, SITA

09:30 – 10:30           Setting the Scene

                                 Federico Pistono, Futurist, writer, entrepreneur, researcher

                                 David Oxley, Senior Economist, IATA

10:30 – 11:00           Coffee break

11:00 – 12:30           The Passenger Journey

                                 Federico Bonaudi, Manager Facilitation, Parliamentary Affairs & Regional Airports, ACI Europe

                                 Roberto Segala, Head of Portfolio Management, Heathrow Airport

                                 Dirk Spengler, Chief Information Offier, Stuttgart Airport

                                 Gudmundur Dadi Runarsson, Technical and Infrastructure Director, Keflavik International Airport

12:30 – 13:30           Lunch

                                 Press Lunch

13:30 – 15:30             The Future of Communication in ATI

                                    Alberto Matiello, Head of J. Walter Thompson Project X

                                    Digital Aircraft

                                    David Lavorel, CEO, SITA ONAIR

                                    Timo Westerberg, Flight Support + Mikko Kosonen, Flight Operations, Finnair

                                    Dirk Zshunke, Project Manager air/ground communication, Lufthansa

15:30 – 16:00              Coffee Break

16:00 – 17:00              Digital Everywhere

                                    Dirk Weigel, Vice President, IBM Deutschland GmbH and CEO of IBM Aviation Industry Services GmbH

                                    Manfred Zoetl, Managing Director, InfoGate Information Systems GmbH

                                    Charlotte Graire, Head of Business Development & Strategy, Airbus Cybersecurity

                                    Jan Van Anroy, COO, Dortmund Airport

17:00 – 17:20              Wrap up

                                    Sergio Colella, President Europe, SITA