The east restaurant in the hotel of the same name is among the top addresses for dining in Hamburg which is not only reasoned in the extraordinary location but also in its excellent cuisine. The restaurant with stunning large glass window front and cozy vaults is located in the time-honored building of a former iron foundry. Unplastered red bricks, colorful cathedral glassware and the modern interior design by Jordan Mozer from Chicago, gives sacred atmosphere to the hall and its curved pillars.
The Hotel East is a design hotel that was opened in 2004 on a historic location. Before 1850, an iron foundry was located on the premises until it was destroyed by fire in 1851. In 1888, a new factory, named 'St. Pauli Eisenwerke R. Lohse & Co.' was built in its stead.
Only four years later, another fire burned down large parts of the building, but the factory was quickly rebuilt in only a year's time. The iron foundry was renamed 'Eisengießerei und Maschinenfabrik Schenck & Co.'
The actual foundry with large furnaces and casting pans was located in the main hall on the ground floor, where nowadays you can find Yakshi’s bar, the restaurant and the hotel reception. The coal for the furnaces was delivered through the casemates located in the Simon-von-Utrecht-Straße, today a part of the restaurant.
The mechanical processing and the model construction section with drills, milling machines and lathes used to be located on the upper floor. Raw materials were delivered at the Clemens-Schultz-Straße and stored in a single-story hall. Supposedly, there were more than 100 workers employed at 'Schenck & Co', making the foundry an important employer in the St. Pauli district. In 1943, during World War II, large parts of the building were destroyed by bombs and rebuilt in the years after. Some forty years later, in 1984, "Schenck & Co." was closed down for good.
The building remained unoccupied for several years until the idea came up to implement a gastronomical concept on the premises.
After 36 months of construction, the project, combining hotel accommodation with high-end gastronomy and conference spaces, was completed and had its grand opening on October 28th 2004.
Restaurant East
Simon-vonUtrecht-Strasse 31, 20359 Hamburg