Edustat Ithaca

Hotel Accommodations for EduStat University Attendees

A discounted rate of $118.00 has been secured at the Holiday Inn Ithaca for all EduStat University attendees. This location has an indoor pool, fitness room and a full-service restaurant and bar. Be sure to mention the EduStat block when making reservations to receive the discounted rate. Reservation must be made NO LATER THAN June 25, 2013.

Holiday Inn Ithaca

222 S Cayuga Street
Ithaca, NY 14330
(607) 272-1000

Hotel Shuttel Bus Schedule

Monday, July 29th
7:00 Pick up at the Statler Hotel 130 Statler Drive
7:15 Pick up at Holiday Inn 222 S Cayuga Street
7:30 Pick up at Hilton Garden 130 E Seneca Street
7:45 Arrive at High School

Tuesday, July 30th
7:15 Pick up at the Statler 130 Statler Drive
7:30 Pick up at Holiday Inn 222 S Cayuga Street
7:45 Pick up at Hilton Garden 130 E Seneca Street
8:00 Arrive at High School
3:30 Pick up at High School

Drop of at:
Statler 130 Statler Drive
Holiday Inn 222 S Cayuga Street
Hilton Garden 130 E Seneca Street

Hotel Accommodations for Speakers and Pearson Staff

Accommodations at the Holiday Inn Ithaca are reserved for EduStat University attendees. Hotel accommodations for Speakers and Pearson staff will be offered at alternate properties. For information about Speaker and Pearson staff accommodations, please contact our Event Planner, Michelle Meltzer/Bread & Butter Productions at or call (917) 428-1857

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