Seventh Annual CUGH Conference

**Click here to view the finalists of Lancet/CUGH Awards for Best Student Poster.

Three $500 awards will be presented. 

Students who wish to compete must submit an abstract by November 1, 2015 and in the submission form, OPT IN to compete.

To qualify for the poster competition the project to be presented must have been led by a student. 

A student is considered:

 (G) Graduate
 (HS) High School
 (MR) Medical Resident
 (MS) Medical School
 (PD) Post-Doctoral Researcher/Scholar
• (UG) Undergraduate


• Competition is open to abstracts addressing a project or activity lead and conducted by an individual(s) with student status during the project period. The project, program, activity being presented must be completed by August 31, 2015.

• Judges will consider abstracts that meet all the following requirements:
   o Authors/Presenters are students, or were students during the project period in question

   o Authors/Presenters have accepted the invitation to present in poster format (regardless of the preferred presentation method indicated in the submission form)

   o Submissions adhere to all abstract guidelines

   o Opted in to compete in the Abstract Submission form

The candidates are determined by the abstracts review process occurring in fall 2015.

Final judging takes place on site at the 7th Annual CUGH Conference in San Francisco, California.