About AELP

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Who are AELP?

The Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP) nationally represents the interests of 900+ organisations delivering apprenticeships, employability support and other vocational learning.

We lobby on behalf of our members to Government departments and agencies involved in funded skills and back to work programmes. Members of the Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP) support employers in the delivery of over 75% of apprenticeships in England and they deliver other publicly funded skills and employment programmes. The majority of AELP’s 900+ members are independent private, not-for-profit and voluntary sector training and employment services organisations with employers, universities, FE colleges, schools and end point assessment organisations joining AELP in increasing numbers.


AELP stands at the heart of supporting the Training Provider sector. We are here to offer you support, advice and guidance.

We make sure your voice is heard by lobbying on your behalf to ensure that we get positive results for you. Whether you are an independent training provider, employer provider, university, local authority, FE college or a school, our aim is to help you strengthen your business by lobbying for reforms that will drive growth and quality. We guarantee you up to date information about the changes to the skills and employability agenda. We provide you with opportunities to network and build collaborative relationships by creating links for you to our 900+ members.

Sponsored by NCFE, the AELP Annual Conference 2019 will present an opportunity to debate whether all levels of post-16 learning are now truly open to all whatever a person’s background

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Many themes will be covered, from AELP Policy Priorities and Ministerial Address to Viewpoint from HM Opposition and Apprenticeships at all levels as well as many more

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Full AELP members receive one complimentary place for both days

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