mHealth Summit Europe |
Monday, 11 May | 9:00 - 14:15
Tuesday, 12 May l 9:00 - 12:00
mHealth Summit Europe requires additional registration and is
available at additional fee. For more information visit the mHealth
Summit Europe homepage.
About the mHealth Summit Europe 2015
This year, the second annual mHealth Summit Europe is taking place in conjunction with eHealth Week. It is now more relevant than ever to bring these two events together, reflecting that mHealth and eHealth are no longer two individual practices, but they are coming together. It is becoming a reality that as the Health IT market develops, mHealth will become an essential part of eHealth and they will both come hand in hand. This represents a unique opportunity to learn about the latest advances in health IT and how mHealth fits into the bigger picture.

A distinguished faculty of international experts and opinion leaders will address and discuss the themes such as:
- mHealth and Big Data – how can we unite all patient data to accomplish personalized care?
- mHealth in Europe – one size does not fit all?
- Who apart from patients have interest in using mHealth? Who should be driving and paying for mHealth?
See our programme here. Our highly anticipated sessions include:
- mHealth - Star Trek "Tricorder" or Game Changer for Healthcare?, Martin D. Madaus , Chairman, CEO, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, USA
- "Green Paper on mHealth - Conclusions and Actions", Joint Plenary with the Latvian Presidency, The European Commission and HIMSS Europe
For more information about the mHealth Summit programme, speakers and networking opportunities, please visit our website or contact:
Rainer Herzog
Managing Director
HIMSS Europe GmbH
+49 30 46 7777 335