REBOUND Marketing and Franchise Support Services

We'll Sell Your Franchise For You.

New Franchise Systems: As a franchise organization, you probably are asking yourself the question, "I need someone to sell my franchises." If you're asking that question then you will want and need the consulting and leadership of experienced franchise marketing and sales professionals. Our staff can assist your franchise in making the calls and helping you give your best impression when meeting and speaking with franchise buyers.

SALES TOOLS for Purchase: (1st release coming this Summmer 2014)

  • FRANCHISE SALES MANUAL:  How to manage franchise leads on a daily basis
  • FRANCHISE SHOW GUIDELINE: How to exhibit your franchise at industry shows
  • Contact Us for Information on How to Sell Franchises:

Mature Franchise Companies. Organizations already franchising who are looking to outsource their franchise sales department and better utilize company resources. We can deliver results through cost-effective and focused sales and franchise qualification processes.

License Models and Business Opportunities. Unique and specialized sales and marketing models used for selling and marketing business opportunities and license concepts.

Franchise marketing and Franchise Sales are unique processes and should be handled by people with experience in that particular field.  Our team has spent years in the franchise and license industry, we understand how to market franchises.

We have developed and defined a specific marketing model for recruiting qualified franchisees.  The system is designed around first identifying what characteristics are essential for a particular business model in order for a franchisee to be effective and work well within the franchise company.  Selection and disqualifying those that do not fit are part of any good franchise sales model.  An aggressive and consistent franchise marketing program is also critical for a number of reasons.  Our team takes the following points into account when developing a franchise sales and marketing program:

  1. Effective marketing generates leads, driving sales and top-line results for the franchisor and franchisees.  Without qualified leads there is no franchise sale.
  2. Effective marketing helps maximize bottom-line gains for both franchise and company-owned units by building brand awareness from a consumer standpoint and creating a broader appeal to customers.
  3. An established marketing direction provides clear focus and direction for the chain and overall system growth – every solid franchise organization has a clearly defined mission and value proposition to both the franchisees and the customers.
  4. New marketing campaigns and initiatives invigorate franchisees, employees, and customers, keeping the concept fresh.  Old concepts go stale, franchisees need the newest and leading edge ideas to keep customers walking in the front door.
  5. Marketing is where your trademarks, your most valuable assets, are actively put into play.  Use them correctly, and you build a powerful and valuable brand.  Use them incorrectly, and you can lose them altogether.  Our System in its entirety is dependent upon the protection and integrity of the trademarks and brand.
  6. Franchise Marketing is the dialog of your most important business relationship: the dialog between your franchised units and your customers.  The Franchisee’s are the “Front Line” of your company and your brand, they deal with your customers on a regular basis and in most cases have the best understanding for what they want and need.

Our team works closely with clients to develop customized, specific marketing programs that will effectively attract, recruit and retain the right franchisees.

What good is a franchise program without franchisees?  Franchise marketing and franchise sales are the primary drivers of any successful franchise program.  The best franchise models in the world, Ace Hardware, McDonald’s, Jiffy Lube, Holiday Inn, Subway and others had the most efficient and programmed sales efforts, why should’t you?

The Franchise process begins with a proper business plan and a FDD, but do not assume that it ends there.  The road to a profitable and successful franchise system has just begun, that is where we can help.  We specialize in the implementation and execution of a successful franchise roll out in growing from “One to Many”.

An experienced team that is intimately familiar with a vast array of franchise and license networks.  Founded upon the basic principles of client satisfaction and complete dedication to the client experience.  We first begin by going through a complete, thorough review of your franchise model and marketing systems that you have in place.  We will do this for free and give you our expert feedback on your model and where we feel you could improve.

We work with a large amount of franchise buyers in the United States.  Buying a franchise can be an extremely intimidating and difficult process if you have never navigated the process of a franchise transaction.  Franchise Marketing Systems works closely with franchise buyers to understand and evaluate the franchise FDD and completely understand the metrics of the franchise offering.  Buying a franchise is a wonderful way for someone to get into business for themselves and become an entrepreneur with the support and guidance of an experienced and systems franchisor.

There are countless examples of franchise systems that offer fantastic franchise opportunities to people and can really increase the chances of success for a new business owner.  But as in most business cases, there are some good examples and some bad, franchising is no exception.  It is up to the franchise buyer to make an educated and responsible decision, it is prudent to make that decision with the proper guidance and counsel.

We will design, oversee and implement marketing program for franchise sales and franchise marketing designs.  We do collateral materials and other work that will take your franchise offering to the next level in sales effectiveness.

Franchise marketing and sales takes a finely tuned process and the right professionals to determine who the best candidates are for your franchise system.  Working with only the finest and most qualified candidates will mitigate the headaches, costs and legal issues that can come from selling franchises to the wrong people.

We provide a total outsourced answer to your franchise sales and franchise marketing needs, covering every aspect of development and maintenance of a network to have a full service franchise sales and marketing team.  Our staff has been in sales for years and specialize in the franchise sales process, you will benefit from our systems and team’s qualifications acting as your franchise sales team.

Our fee structures depend on the clients situation and the level of support that will be needed in order to achieve your goals.  This will differ depending on the services and extent to which you would like our team to be involved with your franchise.  Our focus is affordable expertise that allows us to grow with our clients franchise systems.

We’ll meet with you or go through an extensive phone consultation to fully understand your situation, budget, desires, time lines, and expectations.  Call us today to find out how to sell franchises of your business.

The question typically is how do all of these franchise organizations manage their franchise sales process?  It is remarkable how many franchise systems out there, in the United States a new franchise is opened every 8 minutes of each business day, that is an amazing rate of growth!  So franchising works, I get it.  How do you find franchisees once you have gone through this process of franchising a business though?

When evaluating franchise sales, it is critical to first identify who the franchise buyer is and who we are working to sell the franchises to.  Franchise sales encompass a large array of different types of franchise offerings.  The traditional franchise is the owner operator model where typically a moderately well capitalized individual buys into the rights to run and manage a single location of the franchise offering.  This franchise sales approach is most effective when using an emotional sales presentation.  Presenting the franchise to the buyer is not about the financial details, the minutia of the business offering or other particulars, it becomes an emotional decision for the buyer to get into business on their own with your help.  Franchise sales is about creating that emotional connection with the buyer, similar to the process of selling a home, the buyer falls in love with the idea and the notion that they will be in that house, neighborhood, they picture their family being raised in that home and envision the future they will have there.  The individual franchise buyer is typically not a former executive or highly educated individual with millions to invest, it typically is just someone who wants to get into business for themselves and they know they need someone’s help doing it.

The franchise sales process is typically a 30-120 day process with a potential candidate, some take much longer.  The evaluation process takes place on both sides, the buyer judging whether the franchisor has the support, training and overall package to truly support them and the franchise sales person gouging whether the franchise buyer has the capital, experience and wherewithal to be a franchisee.

The second type of franchise sales is to sell to a multi-unit franchise owner.  This franchise offering is someone who has much more capital and experience.  In this franchise sale, the buyer purchases the franchise rights to a much larger territory with a larger responsibility.  They then are put on a performance schedule by the franchisor who establishes how many units the multi unit franchisee will be opening.  This franchise sale is a different sale than the individual franchise.  This buyer is highly sophisticated and has most likely been in franchise development before.  They look over the financials and make an investment decision based on the ROI and how quickly they will see a return on the investment.  In order to make this franchise sale the franchise system probably needs to be somewhat mature and have a really professional package to offer the franchisee, they are typically being courted by many franchise systems.  The offering needs to make sense, in many cases the only realistic way to attract this buyer is to present earnings claims and business plans, these people are making an investment when they buy into the franchise, not buying into a lifestyle.

When approaching the process of franchise sales, it is critical to have people, consultants and a system in place.  The first step is planning out the stages and carefully preparing for how to manage the influx of leads and responsibilities that come with franchise sales.  The beauty and excitement of franchising is that with each franchise sale a company is expanded.

For more information on how to sell franchises, contact us: 1.877.651.2440