Ultrasound meets Magnetic Resonance 2015

Scientific Contributions



Abstract/Grand round case format

  • First author
  • Authors' list - EXCLUDING first author (e.g. P. White 1; C. Hurt 2; J. Smith 3) - FIRST NAME ONLY INITIALS 
  • Affiliations (INCLUDING first author) - # HOSPITAL, CITY, COUNTRY
  • The title of the abstract must be entered in capital letters (maximum 100 words)
  • Abstracts should be structured in the following four sections:
      Materials and methods
      Results or case report
  • Maximum length of 4500 characters (excl. title & author block, INCLUDING spaces).
  • Abstracts may include tables, graphics and pictures 
  • All fields must be entered
A speaker/s presents a didactic lecture on a specific topic followed by a Q&A discussion.
  • 2 image (either an mri or ultrasound)  
  • 1 question 
  • Speaker/s should be able to provide the entire examination to the jury for them to answer their questions

  • Abstract/Grand round case acceptance

  • ABSTRACT - 12 abstracts will be assigned to oral presentation at the discretion of the UMMR 2015 Scientific Committee. The acceptance notification will be sent to the abstract's applicant.

  • All abstracts would be displayed as posters.

  • GRAND ROUND - 8 grand rounds will be assigned to oral presentation during the Lunch Grand Round session at the discretion of the UMMR 2015 Scientific Committee. The acceptance notification will be sent to the abstract's applicant.

  • Abstract/Grand round case acceptance and presentation

  • ABSTRACT - All the accepted abstract will be displayed as POSTERS.
The best 12 abstracts would be presented as ORAL PRESENTATIONS. at the discretion of the UMMR 2015 Scientific Committee. The acceptance notification will be sent to the abstract's applicant.

The committee only allows an author to present one paper. However, if multiple papers are accepted for publication and presentation, each paper requires a separate registration fee.

GRAND ROUND - 8 grand rounds will be assigned to oral presentation during the Lunch Grand Round session at the discretion of the UMMR 2015 Scientific Committee. The acceptance notification will be sent to the abstract's applicant.

Abstract/Grand round case rules and regulations  
  • The submitter accepts responsibility for the accuracy and scientific content of the submitted scientific contribution.
  • The submitter accepts to be the contact person for all correspondence about the scientific contribution and to inform co-authors about its status.
  • The submitter confirms that all co-authors are aware of and agree to the content of the scientific contribution
    and support the data presented. Furthermore, the submitter will be responsible for obtaining, and, upon request, providing proof that all scientific contribution have given permission for the submission and agree on its content.
  • Statements such as “data will be presented” in the scientific contribution are likely to lead to its rejection.
  • When selected for presentation, the copyright of the scientific contribution is released to UMMR 2015 in order to be published in the scientific program as well as on the UMMR 2015 website.
  • Submission of a scientific contribution onstitutes a formal commitment by the author to present it in the session and at the time decided upon by the UMMR 2015 Organising Committee. Any change in the presenting author needs to be communicated in the form of a written statement to the UMMR organizing secretariat.